本文选题:责权明确 切入点:国家金融监管体系 出处:《理论月刊》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:At present, China's financial regulatory system is based on the "three" national financial supervision system as the core of the supervision system. But with the change of the financial structure, increase financial innovation, local new financial institutions continue to emerge, some countries decentralization of financial supervision in place, the local financial supervision department the government has a small loan companies, financing Guarantee Corporation and private equity funds and other quasi financial institutions 1 access approval and financial supervision function. Certain rights must be with the ability of supervision and supervision necessary, all to meet the needs of the local financial regulatory requirements, the provincial government set up the local finance bureau or office of Finance, performing supervision function. The truth the two national and local level financial supervision system has been formed. But the two level supervision system currently exists in the supervision rights defined, regulatory responsibility is not clear, It is necessary to establish a clear responsibility of the state and local financial supervision system, so as to form between the national and local regulatory coordination relations.
【作者单位】: 中共天津市委党校经济学教研部;
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