本文选题:印度 切入点:普惠金融 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:普惠金融(Inclusive Finance,也译为“包容性金融”)是以可负担的成本,将金融服务扩展至所有社会成员,特别是欠发达地区和社会低收入人群,向其提供价格合理、方便快捷的金融服务,以不断提高金融服务的可获得性与全覆盖性。它是联合国2005年“小额信贷年”活动中首次正式提出的概念,是对小额信贷和微型金融的延伸。其核心理念是让所有人都能平等地享受金融服务,让所有人公平地分享金融改革发展成果。印度自从20世纪50年代以来,一直致力于普惠金融的发展,目前印度普惠金融的发展已经达到世界中等水平。印度普惠金融的发展极大地促进了其人口贫困率的稳步降低、普惠金融综合指数不断提高、普惠金融覆盖面不断扩大。印度之所以能够度过2008年的世界金融危机和实现近年来的经济较快增长,在一定程度上来讲,也是同其一直致力于普惠金融发展分不开的。当然,印度在其普惠金融发展中也存在着一些问题,诸如之前爆发的小额信贷危机等。2013年11月,党的十八届三中全会《关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》将“大力发展普惠金融”列为了我国金融体制改革的重要内容。2015年12月,国务院印发《推进普惠金融发展规划(2016—2020年)》(国发[2015]74号),明确提出“到2020年,建立与全面建成小康社会相适应的普惠金融服务和保障体系……,使我国普惠金融发展水平居于国际中上游水平”。分析研究普惠金融相关理论,探究印度普惠金融发展历程、实践探索,借鉴其经验教训,对于促进我国普惠金融发展有着非常重要的理论与现实意义。本文研究主要分为以下四个部分:第一部分,普惠金融的概念及相关理论分析。本部分首先分析了普惠金融的相关概念与特征。世界各国和各专家学者对普惠金融有着不同的内涵界定,在这其中,印度提出了“真正普惠金融”。从比较的角度来讲,普惠金融具有特定的主体性、广泛参与性、平等服务性和可持续发展性等特征;其次阐述了与普惠金融发展相关的金融发展理论、金融排斥理论和金融抑制理论等理论。第二部分,印度普惠金融的发展历程与实践探索。印度的普惠金融最早可追溯到其1904年开展的合作金融。从其发展历程来讲,现代印度普惠金融从1950年代至今大致可分为初创、逐步发展与快速发展三个阶段。在这其中,印度在普惠金融组织体系建设、金融产品创新、薄弱环节强化、金融风险防范、消费者金融知识教育等方面进行了诸多有益的探索。第三部分,印度普惠金融发展的成效与存在的主要问题。本部分首先阐述了印度普惠金融发展的成效。其发展成效主要表现在贫困率的稳步降低、普惠金融覆盖面的不断扩大、弱势群体银行账户开设与使用率的不断提高、普惠金融支付体系的日益完善等方面。从国际比较的角度来看,印度的普惠金融已经达到了世界中等水平。其次阐述了印度普惠金融存在的主要问题。其问题主要是贫困人口偿还能力低、金融产品创新有待加强、金融知识水平有待提高、普惠金融网点数量和类型有限、正规金融机构准入门槛高过度依赖非正规金融、普惠金融监管有待加强等。第四部分,印度普惠金融发展对我国的启示。印度与我国同为世界人口大国和发展中国家,面临着逐步降低人口贫困率等相同的发展任务与挑战。印度普惠金融的发展及其经验教训对我国普惠金融发展有着重要的启示作用。借鉴印度普惠金融发展经验,结合我国实际,我国普惠金融的发展应进一步建立健全多元化的广覆盖组织体系、促进普惠金融创新发展、提高金融基础知识水平、加强普惠金融基础设施建设和完善普惠金融监管体制等。
[Abstract]:Inclusive Finance (Inclusive Finance, also translated as "financial inclusion") is at an affordable cost, financial services will be extended to all members of society, especially in underdeveloped areas and low-income people to the community, to provide reasonable price, convenient financial services, in order to continuously improve the availability of financial services and full coverage of the United Nations in 2005. It is the concept of "year of micro credit" activities was first formally proposed, is the extension of micro credit and micro finance. Its core idea is to let all people have equal access to financial services, let all people a fair share of the fruits of reform and development. India financial development since 1950s. Has been committed to the development of Inclusive Finance, India has reached the medium level of inclusive financial development in India. The world of Inclusive Finance has greatly promoted the poverty rate steadily decreased, P Hui financial index continues to improve, inclusive financial expanding coverage. India is able to spend the 2008 world financial crisis and achieve rapid economic growth in recent years, in a certain extent, the same has been committed to the development of Inclusive Finance inseparable. However, in India the inclusive financial development also exist some problems, such as micro credit crisis prior to the outbreak of.2013 in November, the party's the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee < > decision on deepening reform of the overall number of major issues will "vigorously develop Inclusive Finance as an important content of.2015 of China's financial system reform in December, the State Council issued the" promote inclusive financial development plan (2016 - 2020) > (the [2015]74), clearly put forward "to 2020, establish a comprehensive well-off society inclusive financial service and security system. And make our inclusive gold The level of development in the international finance in the upper level. "Analysis of Inclusive Finance Theory, the research of India inclusive financial development, practice, draw lessons from its experience, has a very important theoretical and practical significance to promote China's development of Inclusive Finance. This paper is mainly divided into the following four parts: the first part analyzes the concept. Inclusive Finance and related theories. This part firstly analyzes the concept and characteristics of Inclusive Finance. All countries in the world and the experts and scholars have a different definition of Inclusive Finance, in this one, India proposed a truly inclusive finance. From a comparative perspective, financial inclusion has a specific subject, widely the characteristics of equal participation, service and sustainable development; secondly, the development of financial development theory and Inclusive Finance, Financial Exclusion Theory and the theory of financial repression The theory. The second part, the development process of India exploration and practice of Inclusive Finance. India inclusive finance can be traced back to the financial cooperation carried out in 1904. In the course of its development, the modern India Inclusive Finance since 1950s can be divided into start-up, gradual development and rapid development of the three stages. In this one, India in the construction of inclusive financial organization system, financial product innovation, strengthen the weak links, prevention of financial risk, has made many beneficial explorations of consumer financial literacy education. The third part, the main problems of India the development of inclusive financial results and existence. This part first elaborated the India the development of inclusive financial results. The effect of the development of the main performance steadily reduced the poverty rate in the inclusive financial coverage continues to expand, bank account opening and vulnerable groups to improve the utilization rate of financial payment, Pu Huijin The system is increasingly perfect and so on. From the international comparative perspective, India has reached a moderate level of inclusive financial world. It also discusses the main problems existing in India's financial inclusion. The main problem is the poor repayment ability is low, financial product innovation needs to be strengthened, the level of financial knowledge needs to be improved, the number and type of inclusive financial outlets the limited access threshold of formal financial institutions high over reliance on informal finance, inclusive financial supervision needs to be strengthened. The fourth part, enlightenment of India inclusive financial development in China. India and China as the world population and developing countries, faced with the task of development gradually reduce the poverty rate and the same challenges and development in India. Inclusive Finance and lessons have important enlightenment to our country the development of Inclusive Finance. From India inclusive financial development experience, combined with China's In fact, the development of Inclusive Finance in China should further establish and improve diversified wide coverage organization system, promote inclusive financial innovation and development, improve financial basic knowledge level, strengthen inclusive financial infrastructure construction and improve inclusive financial regulatory system.
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