本文选题:分析师评价 切入点:会计信息质量 出处:《财会通讯》2017年36期
[Abstract]:This paper takes the IPO listed enterprises in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in China from 2009-2015 as the research object, and studies the influence of analyst evaluation, accounting quality information on IPO stock price information. The relationship between the cross-items of analyst evaluation and accounting information quality and the stock price information of IPO is further analyzed. The results show that the accuracy of analyst evaluation and forecast is significantly positively correlated with the information content of IPO stock price. That is, the higher the accuracy of IPO stock price prediction, the higher the information content of IPO stock price, the better the accounting information quality of enterprise in the year before listing, the more information content of IPO stock price. The better the quality of accounting information, the more information investors get through accounting, the smaller the dependence on the analyst, the higher the information content of IPO stock price, that is, accounting quality information can effectively restrain the impact of analyst evaluation on the information content of IPO stock price.
【作者单位】: 西南财经大学金融学院;
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