本文选题:高送转 + logit回归 ; 参考:《中南财经政法大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the A-share market, investors tend to take the dividend policy of the listed company as a positive policy, and the stocks with a "high transmission" are especially favored by the majority of investors. However, from an accounting point of view, whether it is a bonus stock or a capital stock transfer, it is only an internal adjustment of the owner's equity account by a listed company. It does not affect the asset side and the liability side, nor does it increase the wealth of the shareholders. So the value of the company is not affected by the high transfer behavior. However, in reality, the irrational characteristics of Chinese investors are very obvious. In this paper, we will study the characteristics of high-transfer stocks. Based on these characteristics, we will screen out the investment portfolio of stocks with investment value, and then combine scientific investment means in order to obtain stable excess returns. The hype of "high sending to turn" is generally divided into three stages, namely, "high sending to expect", "grabbing power" and "filling right". The strategy design of this paper will focus on the first and third stages. In view of the "expected" stage, this paper selects the stocks with high turnover potential from the two dimensions of "high turnover" and "high turnover" of motivation. The benchmark factors (capital reserves per share and undistributed profits per share) and the growth factor EPSs, operating income per share, net assets per share and cash flow per share) are used as the criteria for measuring the ability of the company to make a high turnover. The length of the listing, whether there are such factors as the release of stocks and fund holdings as a measure of the company's willingness to send high. By means of insertion statistics, five factors, such as benchmark factor, equity, stock price, length of listing time and cash flow per share, can be used to predict the high turnover of stocks. At the same time, the statistical results show that November and December are the best operating time period in the expected speculation stage. Then, based on these five factors, the probability of high turnover of each stock is predicted by using logit regression model, and 20 stocks with the highest probability are selected to form a combination. In this paper, the total sample data from 2011 to 2015 are selected to carry out the test in the sample. For the filling stage, the market reaction before and after the implementation of the scheme is studied by the event analysis method. The results show that the stagflation high transmission stock has a remarkable excess return after 20 trading days after the dividend date. Based on the analysis of big data above, two investment strategies including stock selection and holding positions are designed for different speculation periods. In the end, the investment strategy was tested out of the sample using data from 2012 to 2016 and achieved a good excess return. The whole investment strategy designed in this paper has certain reference function to investors.
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