本文选题:市场势力 + 市场集中度 ; 参考:《中央财经大学学报》2017年01期
[Abstract]:The author studies the relationship between market concentration and risk of Chinese commercial banks and selects Hao's index and Lerner index to represent the market concentration degree of commercial banks and market power of commercial banks. Based on the fixed effect panel data model of 16 listed commercial banks in China, this paper analyzes the risk factors of 16 commercial banks in China from 2007 to 2015. The results show that: the higher the market concentration of commercial banks, the larger the scale of assets, the smaller the credit risk of commercial banks, and the lower the market concentration and market power of Chinese commercial banks are. Commercial bank financial innovation will enhance commercial bank credit risk and bankruptcy risk. The author believes that the marketization process of Chinese listed commercial banks is deepening step by step, and the ability of risk control should be further improved. At the same time, the deadministration of commercial banks should be accelerated, and the market of commercial banks should continue to be market-oriented, and finally the market of commercial banks should be formed with perfect system and market-oriented operation.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学财政金融学院;中国民生银行总行金融市场部;
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