[Abstract]:Hayek put forward the theory of non-nationalization of money in 1976 and advocated giving independent currency issue power to private banks to restrain the government from issuing money indiscriminately. This paper unifies the issue of bank and credit to analyze how the reputation of the bank affects its issuing behavior. The research shows that under the condition of competitive issuance, the reputation mechanism can effectively restrain the behavior of the issuing bank. Banks issue steadily in pursuit of long-term profits. Furthermore, based on the existence history of banks and whether they are public members of Shanghai Bank, the paper uses the microcosmic data of 34 banknote issuers and 150 banks on the eve of the silver storm to examine the role of reputation mechanisms. It is found that the better the reputation, the more stable the issuing of convertible bonds, the more advantages the reputation brings to the banks, such as more paid-in capital, surplus accumulation and deposits, resulting in larger loan scale and higher profit level of the banks with good reputation. The money bank is indeed due to the pursuit of long-term income and steady issuance. Based on the historical experience of competitive issuance of banks during the Republic of China, the paper provides the microcosmic evidence for the theory of non-nationalization of currency for the first time, as well as the enlightenment for the current monetary policy formulation and the internationalization of RMB.
【作者单位】: 华南师范大学经济与管理学院华南市场经济研究中心;上海财经大学经济学院;
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