[Abstract]:Capital has private nature, but in order to overcome the contradiction between private ownership of means of production and socialized mass production, it constantly adjusts itself. Its significant change in the contemporary era is to borrow the function of finance to raise and allocate social capital, to separate the ownership and right of use of capital, to widen the private boundary of capital, and to create a new operating mechanism: to increase the speed of capital expansion. Enterprises use a large amount of external capital through financial channels to leverage the expansion mode; the use of leverage means an increase in the number of external investors, multiple stakeholders have increased the importance of the future economic benefits of the enterprise. It makes the cash flow of the future business situation become the core element of the expansion of the enterprise. In essence, capital operation mechanism dominated by financial logic is another way to overcome the contradiction between capital and itself. However, the socialization of capital created by finance only exists in the field of production and circulation, while in the field of distribution, the private nature of capital is brought into full play, which leads to the inequality of income distribution.
【作者单位】: 信阳师范学院马克思主义学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金“资本金融化的形成机制及其中国论域研究”(项目编号16CZX003) 中国博士后基金面上资助“资本金融化的内在逻辑:基于政治经济学批判的理路”(项目编号2016M601519) 信阳师范学院“南湖学者”人才项目
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