[Abstract]:The 2017 "Belt and Road" summit forum on international cooperation and the national conference on financial work stressed the need to strengthen financial innovation, encourage the development of green and inclusive finance, and promote financial cooperation in local currencies. We should draw lessons from international experience, gradually connect with the equatorial principle, develop green finance, build loan transfer platform, promote inclusive finance, promote the internationalization of RMB, advocate local currency financial cooperation, and share the concept and practice of green and inclusive development in our country. To solve the problems of "Belt and Road" construction fund shortage and foreign exchange risk, enhance the support and cooperation of the governments, enterprises and the public of the countries along the line, jointly lead innovation with green, universal benefit and local currency finance, and serve the construction of "Belt and Road".
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院研究生院应用经济学博士后科研流动站;国家开发银行开罗代表处;
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