[Abstract]:On the basis of deeply analyzing the development mode and present situation of Internet credit in China, taking Alibaba's Sesame credit as an example, this paper studies it from four aspects: data collection, technical processing, evaluation model and application scenario. It is pointed out that there are some problems in the development of Internet credit information industry in China, such as the difficulty of sharing credit information data, the risks of protecting the rights and interests of users' information subject and the information security, the application scenarios to be widened, and the need to strengthen supervision. And puts forward the suggestion to the establishment and the consummation of the Internet credit investigation mechanism.
【作者单位】: 四川师范大学商学院;
【基金】:四川省哲学社会科学面上项目“四川省社会科学信用体系建设的路径探索与对策研究”(SC16B070) 成都市哲学社会科学规划研究项目“深化成都社会信用体系建设形成多方共谋市场体系研究”(2017R26)
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