[Abstract]:Deposit insurance in China implements the system of combination of differential rate and base rate. The academic research on deposit insurance rate pricing mainly focuses on the risk differential rate based on the prevention of moral hazard. The traditional pricing model of risk differential rate is option pricing model and expectation loss model, both of which are used to price the risk of commercial bank's own failure. The purpose of deposit insurance is to guard against systemic risk. As an important part of deposit insurance system, the pricing mechanism of deposit insurance rate should also focus on the prevention of systemic risk. Based on this, this paper chooses to study the pricing mechanism of differential rate of deposit insurance from the perspective of macro-prudential supervision of deposit insurance fund management. By analyzing the objectives and characteristics of macro-prudential supervision, this paper discusses the main points and formation process of deposit insurance rate pricing mechanism. Furthermore, this paper constructs a pricing model of deposit insurance rate based on macro-prudential regulatory framework. The model takes the contribution of commercial banks' systemic risk as the basis to measure the risks of commercial banks. And we use the data of 16 listed banks in China to calculate the premium of the model. The conclusion proves that the pricing system of the model is more comprehensive and can better maintain financial stability.
【作者单位】: 中国人民银行武汉分行;
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