[Abstract]:Interconnected consumer finance is a kind of inclusive finance that serves the real economy. It can make consumer financial services low cost, efficiently extend to the long tail population, and cover the majority of middle and low income people at low risk. China's consumer financial market is far from saturated, Internet consumer finance has broad development potential and innovation space. At present, there are six main modes of Internet consumer finance service: traditional commercial banks of consumer finance Internet. The consumption finance of the consumer finance company is Internet, the consumption finance provided by the e-commerce platform, the consumption finance provided by the phased shopping platform, the consumption finance provided by the vertical subdivision platform and the consumer finance provided by the P2P platform. The young people who prefer online shopping and overspending become the mainstream of the labor market and consumer market, and the herd effect has driven the development of the network economy and the leveraged consumption of the society as a whole. Internet consumption finance will continue to effectively stimulate China's economic growth. Therefore, we should encourage, standardize and guide the healthy development of Internet consumer finance.
【作者单位】: 重庆工商大学财政金融学院;西南大学农林经济管理博士后流动站;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金重点项目(14AJY021);国家社会科学基金一般项目(14BJY180) 中国博士后基金面上项目(2013M542249)
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