[Abstract]:Influenced by conventional wisdom, ODA is seen as "philanthropic" by developed countries to developing countries. However, as a result of the global economic crisis, the effectiveness of development assistance has been questioned, the emergence of emerging economies, and the need for more international development financing resulting from "globalization", there is a need to shift this "alms" concept, To use the new concept of development aid to guide the development financing behavior. Development financing, represented by the aid practices of the "BRICS" countries in support of infrastructure investment, will replace the traditional "alms" trend of international financing. That is, this kind of "South-South cooperation", which is based on the basic concept of mutual benefit and win-win, will become the new concept of international development financing and the establishment of global partnership.
【作者单位】: 北京大学经济学院;国务院扶贫办信息中心;
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