[Abstract]:This paper argues that there is fragmentation in individual foreign exchange management in our country, and the result of fragmentation of management is that the effect of supervision is not satisfactory, such as individual disassembly, purchase and payment of foreign exchange, and the prohibition of closing foreign exchange repeatedly. The "attention list" management system design is relatively lagged, domestic individual foreign currency cash access to and around lost, bank card foreign currency card outside the use of excessive or crazy withdrawal. In view of the experience of other countries, and combined with the domestic reality, this article from the status of merging subject, truthfully declare the situation, clear the transaction category, associated with outbound information, and increase the degree of discipline, Maintain currency stability and other aspects to improve individual foreign exchange management fragmentation policy recommendations.
【作者单位】: 国家外汇管理局萍乡市中心支局;国家外汇管理局江西省分局;
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