[Abstract]:The intensity of equity incentive has a positive impact on the value of enterprises and the rate of return on net assets, which is different in different enterprise samples. In the sample of state-owned enterprises, there is a significant negative correlation between the intensity of equity incentive and the rate of return on net assets. The ownership structure has a positive impact on the value of the enterprise and the rate of return on net assets, while the structure of the board of directors has a negative correlation with the value of the enterprise and the rate of return on net assets as a whole, and is adjusted by the asset-liability ratio and the nature of property rights. The effect of asset-liability ratio on enterprise performance is affected by the nature of property rights, which shows that there is no significant positive correlation between enterprise value and net asset-liability ratio in state-owned enterprises. There was a significant negative correlation between the whole sample and the sample group of non-state-owned enterprises, and there was a significant negative correlation between the age of the enterprise and the return on net assets.
【作者单位】: 湖南财政经济学院;中南大学商学院;
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