[Abstract]:Differentiation strategy is the long-term development strategy of Bank of China, but the implementation of Bank of China differentiation strategy is still in the exploratory stage. Based on the sample data of the differentiation of the second branch of the Bank of China and with the help of multiple regression analysis, this study constructs and tests the strategic performance model of the differentiation of the Bank of China. It is found that strategic orientation, database construction, product differentiation, service differentiation and image differentiation play an obvious role in promoting the differentiation performance, while market segmentation, market differentiation and distribution channel differentiation are in a state of functional deficiency. The test results point out the direction for the improvement of the differentiation strategy of the branches of the Bank of China and improve the implementation efficiency of the differentiation strategy of the Bank of China.
【作者单位】: 云南农业职业技术学院;云南大学;江苏大学;
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