[Abstract]:As an important policy tool, foreign exchange intervention is widely used by central banks. Under the background of controversial foreign exchange intervention in China, it is of great significance to sum up the international experience of central bank foreign exchange intervention. In this paper, two representative countries, Colombia and New Zealand, are selected to summarize their experience of foreign exchange intervention, and then based on the panel tool variable method, the effectiveness of foreign exchange intervention in 23 countries and regions in the world is empirically analyzed. The results show that the positive foreign exchange intervention of the central bank can slow down the fluctuation of both the nominal bilateral exchange rate and the real effective exchange rate, and achieve the effect of stabilizing the exchange rate. From the present stage, the current foreign exchange intervention, as a policy authority to maintain exchange rate stability and adjust internal and external balance, should be retained. In order to realize reasonable intervention behavior, the central bank of our country needs appropriate intervention time, flexible intervention mode, coordinated intervention goal, supporting macroeconomic policy and gradually perfect market environment.
【作者单位】: 渤海银行博士后工作站;北京师范大学博士后流动站;天津财经大学经济学院;
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