[Abstract]:This paper, based on the panel data of 31 countries in the world from 1990 to 2012, uses the fundamental method to measure the current account imbalance and the degree of exchange rate maladjustment, and uses the dynamic non-linear panel data model to analyze the effect of exchange rate offset on the adjustment of the current account. The degree of exchange rate offset determines that the current account is out of balance and the change in the exchange rate will not result in a current account imbalance. However, when the exchange rate deviates from the equilibrium exchange rate value above a certain threshold, the exchange rate offset will increase the persistent account imbalance. The sub-country study found that the threshold of exchange-rate offset had a significant difference among countries, with the euro area being almost zero, the developed countries being 10 per cent, while the threshold for emerging-market countries reached 14 per cent, and the role of the financial crisis on the adjustment of the imbalances was not large.
【作者单位】: 北京大学汇丰商学院博士后流动站;南开大学金融学院;
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