本文关键词: 城市商业综合体 环境景观 设计方法 大唐广场 出处:《福建农林大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the steady economic development of our country, the urban commercial complex has moved from a first-tier city to a second-tier city. Third tier city. In the new era background, commercial complex with commercial shopping as its basic content is gradually becoming an indispensable part of people's daily life. Urban commercial complex is not only considered as a place for product exchange, It should also take into account the consumers' pursuit of high quality commodities and elegant commercial landscape environment, and even place their psychological expectations on a higher spiritual level. The environmental landscape is a point of transition and integration between the urban commercial complex and the surrounding urban space. It can increase the space added value to pull the invisible consumption of the service object and improve the commercial economic benefit. Therefore, we should construct the perfect environment landscape theory system of the city commercial complex. It is very necessary to design and study the environmental landscape. This paper focuses on creating the urban commercial complex landscape design with high experience, high interest, ecology and humanization, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of architecture and urban space. To increase the vitality of commercial space and maintain the balance of urban ecosystem; through the study of its outdoor landscape and indoor landscape design expression, The author participated in the commercial complex architectural design and landscape environment design of Datang Square in Putian during the study period, combined with literature review, case study, field investigation, Firstly, the concept of urban commercial complex and environmental landscape is defined, and the research and development status and the elements of landscape composition are summarized. This paper analyzes the spatial form and characteristics of the urban commercial complex environment landscape. Secondly, it analyzes the environment landscape of the city commercial complex from multi-disciplinary and multi-level, and expounds the relationship between the environment landscape and the commercial complex environment landscape. At the same time, through drawing lessons from the advanced foreign theoretical system, the field investigation and analysis of Shenzhen's representative urban commercial complex cases, from these excellent cases to obtain the research results and summarize the design needs, The design principles and methods of environmental landscape of urban commercial complex are put forward. Finally, under the guidance of the above research results, the practical project is guided, and the theory is improved by practical test. It provides reference and reference examples for future urban commercial complex environmental landscape design, and also looks forward to the future development of urban commercial complex environmental landscape design in China. Ecological and modern environmental landscape system is an important design strategy for future commercial landscape.
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