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发布时间:2018-01-02 22:11

  本文关键词:我国林业财政投资对林业生态经济发展的影响研究 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 林业财政投资 林业生态发展 林业经济发展

[Abstract]:Since the founding of New China, China's economic development has made great progress, but with the economic development of the ecological environment is deteriorating. The economy, in turn, has been affected to a certain extent. In the face of the current ecological and economic vicious circle development of this form. We must attach importance to the foundation of forestry-ecological construction and the development of important departments that stimulate economic growth. Forestry has certain attributes of public goods and externalities based on this theoretical basis. State financial investment support has become an important support and guarantee in the process of forestry development, including afforestation and regeneration investment, forest tending investment and forest seedling investment. As an important part of forestry financial investment, forest tourism investment is used for ecological construction and protection, forestry support and protection. Since the founding of new China, China has been reforming the forestry financial investment policy. However, the financial investment on forestry ecology and forestry economy development role and the specific role of the size of the unknown. On the basis of combing the historical development of forestry financial investment policy in various periods of our country, this paper makes a statistical analysis on the effect of forestry financial investment on the development of forestry ecological economy. Further empirical study on the specific impact of several important forestry financial investment on forestry ecological and economic development, analysis of the current forestry financial investment in the implementation process facing problems, and then establish the objectives of financial investment. The article mainly includes three parts: the first part has the first chapter and the second chapter. The first chapter is the introduction part, mainly elaborated the article topic background, the research goal and the significance. And a brief review of the domestic and foreign research situation and draw lessons from previous research results, and then explain the content of the article, methods and ideas. The second chapter defines the relevant concepts. The second part is the core part of the article. The third chapter mainly analyzes the historical development and implementation of forestry financial investment policy in China. Combined with the statistical description of forestry ecology and economic development, this paper analyzes the effect and problems of forestry financial investment. Chapter 4th studies the influence of forestry financial investment on forestry ecological economy. Forestry financial investment accounted for a large proportion of afforestation and regeneration investment, forest tending investment, forest seedling investment and forest tourism investment as the explanatory variables. The forestland area and the total forestry output value are taken as the forestry ecology and forestry economy index respectively as the explanatory variables. Select 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government). Regression analysis was conducted on the effects of investment projects on forestry ecological and economic development in 2009-2015. The effects of afforestation and regeneration investment on forestry ecology and forestry economy were obtained. It's not obvious. Forest tending investment and forest seedling investment can promote the development of forestry ecological economy. Forest tourism investment has a negative impact on forestry ecological development. This is mainly due to the forest tourism investment is mainly used in the construction of infrastructure such as roads, occupying the area of forestland, to a certain extent, is not conducive to the development of forestry ecology; Forest tourism investment has no significant impact on forestry economy, which is mainly due to the country's current investment in forest tourism development in forestry tertiary industry is still low. The third part is 5th and 6th chapters. According to the results of statistical analysis and empirical analysis, the 5th chapter draws the problems in the process of forestry financial investment in China, further establishes the final goal of forestry financial investment, and puts forward some suggestions. 6th chapters. Conclusion and outlook


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