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  本文关键词:20世纪50年代南京地区妇幼保健工作研究 出处:《南京大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 五十年代 妇幼保健 新法接生 劳动保健

【摘要】:妇女是国家建设的重要力量,婴幼儿是国家生命力所在,"妇女的健康不仅仅只是某一人群的健康问题,它涉及到计划生育、人口控制、未来人口健康及社会经济发展等重大问题"。①因此妇婴群体的健康历来都是各届政府所关注的问题。1949年中华人民共和国成立后,妇幼保健工作是国家建设的首要任务之一,也是新生政权首次与普通大众接触的事件之一,对于考察20世纪50年代政治环境下政令上行下效的弹性空间具备一定的研究价值。而传统史学观下的著述,难以突破"精英史观"和"宏大叙事"的论述模式,难以客观全面地展现底层群众真实的生活图景。关于建国初期妇幼保健工作的研究大多停留于文本政策的描述与分析,缺乏细致深入的社会实践的考察与评估。因而读者对基层妇幼保健工作的实际情况知之甚少。本文将以20世纪50年代南京地区妇幼保健工作开展的历史进程为着眼点,以档案资料、地方志汇编为第一手资料,以通史类著作、报刊资料为补充,参考相关论文、专著研究的成果,采用实证研究方法和数据统计方法,依据历史唯物主义观点,综合运用历史学和社会学的相关理论,考察20世纪50年代南京地区妇幼保健工作开展的具体情况,分析不同时期妇幼保健工作所呈现出来的阶段性特征,综合评析在妇幼保健网建设过程中的得与失,以及妇幼保健网建设对社会发展的重大影响。本文将分三个章节来阐述相关问题。第一章主要介绍20世纪50年代南京地区妇幼保健工作的源起。本章从三个方面入手,探讨南京地区妇幼保健工作开展的历史基础。(一)南京作为中华民国的首都,曾较早地开展过妇幼保健工作,有一定的历史基础和工作经验。(二)革命战争年代,中国共产党在各根据地也出台过一系列关注妇女权益和妇婴健康的政策。20世纪50年代南京市及周边郊县所开展的一系列妇幼保健工作,在不同程度上延续了中共根据地时期的妇婴政策。(三)苏联作为社会主义阵营"老大哥",在这个方面的政策和实践对20世纪50年代中国妇幼保健工作的开展起到示范作用,有些做法被直接照搬过来。此外,作者通过对全国严峻的生育现状、人口结构和劳动力需求的国情分析研究,探讨开展妇幼保健工作的必要性和迫切性。第二章主要探讨的是20世纪50年代南京地区妇幼保健工作的具体开展情况。本章作为主体部分,分三节展开论述。第一节首先详细介绍了解放前后南京地区妇幼保健工作的现状,通过对医疗资源情况、生育现状的数据分析,呈现了20世纪50年代南京地区妇幼保健工作的实施基础和开展妇幼保健工作的紧迫性。其次根据20世纪50年代妇幼保健工作渐次开展的实际情况,从总体上将这个时期的相关工作划分为两大阶段,并概述了两个阶段不同的指导思想和工作侧重。第二节具体阐述了 1949年5月—1952年南京地区妇幼保健工作开展的情况。文中提到,为领导地区妇幼保健工作的顺利开展,市、区、县政府建立了三级卫生行政机构。与此同时,接管和增设各级医疗专业机构工作也不断跟进,使市级、区级、县级都有专业性的医疗机构开展具体工作。这个阶段的重点工作大多与临床医学有关。具体包括(一)通过密集的专业技术培训,确保一线接生人员破除迷信,摒弃陋习,用新法接生逐步取代传统接生法。(二)从城区大中医院抽调专业人员组成流动工作队,深入郊县开展宣教工作,指导农村地区妇幼保健工作。(三)大力推广精神性无痛分娩技术,减轻产妇的分娩痛苦。第三节具体阐述了1952年—1959年南京地区妇幼保健工作开展的具体情况。这一阶段是南京地区妇幼保健工作集中发展阶段,工作侧重在预防医学层面,重视工作的综合性和整体性。这一阶段新增了省级卫生行政管理机构,调整了市县两级卫生行政管理机构,使各级卫生行政机构能更好地开展工作。与此同时,各级医疗专业机构也进行了相应的调整与充实,妇幼保健类医疗机构数量逐步增加,规模进一步扩大,服务范围进一步延伸。这一阶段的主要工作涉及加强接生队伍管理、进一步普及新法接生、巩固充实妇幼保健网、开展妇科病普查普治、立法保护劳动妇女健康、加强孕期保健、产前检查、产后检查和哺乳期保健等。第三章的主要内容是评析20世纪50年代南京地区妇幼保健工作的成绩和不足。论文指出,当时取得的成绩是毋庸置疑的。覆盖城乡的三级妇幼保健网的建立,新法接生的普及,妇婴死亡率的大幅度降低,劳动妇女群体健康状况的显著改善、医疗工作者业务水平的日益提高,以及城乡医疗卫生条件的逐步改善等,都充分显示了这一阶段的工作绩效。但是由于一些主客观因素的影响,这一阶段的相关工作与预期目标还存在显著差距。其具体表现包括:(一)由于此前长期的战乱破坏,经济凋敝,当时国家财力十分有限,20世纪50年代南京地区妇幼保健工作的开展缺乏国家财政的有力支持。这必然严重地影响到相关工作的深度、广度和速度。(二)为了弥补资金和资源等方面的短板,这项工作不得不主要借助社会动员和群众运动的方式开展,结果导致"敷衍了事"和"假、大、空"现象普遍存在。(三)后期随着工农业生产发展的需要,广大妇女纷纷加入劳动大军。在紧迫的经济建设任务面前,妇女保健工作在各级政府议事日程上的重要性不断降低,结果导致许多妇幼保健措施成为摆设。
[Abstract]:Women are an important force in the development of the country, is the national infant vitality, "women's health is not only the health problems of a population, population control relates to the planning, major issues of future population health and the development of social economy. Therefore maternal and infant population health has always been the concern of the government.1949 years after the establishment of People's Republic of China, MCH work is one of the most important tasks of nation building, is one of the new regime for the first time in contact with the general public events, have certain research value for elastic space environment study in 1950s, the political decree permeates the traditional view of historiography. The writings, difficult to break through the" elite history "and" grand "narrative paradigm is difficult to objectively show the true picture of life at the bottom. On the research of maternal and child health work early Description and analysis of the text mostly stay in the policy, the lack of investigation and evaluation of social practice thoroughly. Thus the reader understood the actual situation of maternal and child health care work at the grass-roots level is known. This paper will focus on the historical process of maternal and child health care in Nanjing area in 1950s to carry out the archives, local chronicles compilation of first hand. In history books, newspapers and periodicals as a supplement, refer to the relevant papers, monographs, research results, using the empirical research method and data statistics method, on the basis of the historical materialism, the comprehensive use of relevant theories of history and sociology, the specific circumstances of maternal and child health care in Nanjing area in 1950s to carry out the analysis of maternal and child health care work in different stage characteristics during the show, in the process of comprehensive evaluation of maternal and child health care network construction of gain and loss, and maternal and child health network construction A significant impact on social development. This paper is divided into three chapters to discuss the related problems. The first chapter mainly introduces the origin of 1950s in Nanjing maternal and child health. This chapter from three aspects, discusses the historical basis of maternal and child health care in Nanjing areas. (a) Nanjing as the capital of the Republic of China, had earlier carried out a maternal and child health care work, has a certain historical basis and experience. (two) the revolutionary war, the Communist Party of Chinese in a series of maternal and child health care work of the introduction of a series of focus on the rights of women and maternal and child health policy.20 in 50s in Nanjing city and the surrounding counties to carry out, in different degrees, the continuation of the CPC according to the period of the maternal and child policy. (three) the Soviet socialist camp as a "big brother", policy and practice in the aspects of health of maternal and child Chinese 1950s To play the exemplary role, some practices are copied directly. In addition, the author of the reproductive status of the serious analysis, research on the population structure and labor demand conditions, discusses the necessity and urgency to carry out the MCH work. The second chapter mainly discusses the 1950s Nanjing area of maternal and child health work carried out the specific. Chapter as the main part, divided into three sections. The first section discusses the details of the situation before and after the liberation of Nanjing area of maternal and child health, through the reproductive status of medical resources, data analysis, urgency presents implementation of basic 1950s in Nanjing maternal and child health and development of maternal and child health. Secondly according to the actual situation maternal and child health care work in 1950s developed gradually, in general this period of work is divided into two stages, and An overview of the different guidelines and two stages. The second section elaborates on May 1949 1952 in Nanjing maternal and child health care work. In the thesis, maternal and child health work leading area smoothly, city, District, county government established three level health administrative institutions. At the same time, take over and added professional medical institutions at all levels also continue to follow up, make the municipal, district and county have professional medical institutions to carry out specific work. The focus of the work of this stage is mostly related to clinical medicine. Including (a) through intensive professional technical training, to ensure the line attendants superstition, get rid of bad habits, gradually replace the traditional delivery method with the new methods. (two) from the professional staff of large and medium-sized city hospital mobile team, to carry out in-depth rural education, guide the rural areas of maternal and child health (three). Vigorously promote the spirit of painless childbirth technology, reduce maternal childbirth. The third section elaborates the specific situation in 1952 1959 in Nanjing maternal and child health work. This stage is the maternal and child health care work in Nanjing focused on the development stage, the work focus on learning at the level of preventive medicine, comprehensive and holistic work. This attention the new stage of the provincial health administrative institutions, the adjustment of two counties health administrative institutions, the health administrative institutions at all levels can work better. At the same time, professional medical institutions at all levels were also enriched and adjusted, the number of maternal and child health medical institutions gradually increase, to further expand the scale and scope of services is further extended. This stage involves strengthening the delivery management team to further popularize new methods, consolidating the maternal and child health care network, to carry out the common gynecological diseases Chapuzhi, labor legislation to protect women's health, strengthen prenatal care, prenatal care, prenatal examination and nursing care. The main content of the third chapter is the analysis of the shortage and 1950s in Nanjing maternal and child health work. The paper points out that the achievement is not in doubt. The establishment of three levels of maternal and child health care network covering both urban and rural areas the popularization, new delivery, maternal and infant mortality is reduced greatly, improve the health status of women labor, medical workers professional level increasing, and the urban and rural medical and health conditions gradually improved, fully demonstrates the stage performance. But because of some subjective and objective factors, there are still significant gaps related work and expectations in this stage. The specific performance include: (a) after the long war damage, economic depression, when the national financial resources is Limited, 1950s in Nanjing maternal and child health care work support the lack of national finance. This will seriously affect the work related to the depth, breadth and speed. (two) in order to make up for the short board of capital and resources, the work has to be carried out by the main social mobilization and mass movement, resulting in "do things carelessly" and "false, big, empty common phenomenon. (three) late along with the development of industrial and agricultural production, the majority of women have joined the workforce. In front of the urgent task of economic construction, the importance of women's health care work in all levels of government on schedule decreases, resulting in many maternal and child health care measures to be furnished.



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6 张W,




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