本文关键词:驻马店市区广场舞开展现状调查与发展对策研究 出处:《河南大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid improvement of social life and economic level, as well as the rapid development of spiritual civilization, the masses are rich in material and living quality at this stage, so as to promote the development of mass sports in our country. With the promulgation and implementation of the National Fitness Program, more and more people participate in sports and cultural activities, the way the people participate in physical exercise is increasing. Mass sports activities continue to enrich the content of the form also appears to be more diversified. With the improvement of people's fitness awareness and the growing enthusiasm for fitness. Square dance, which is a simple and effective exercise method, is loved by the masses in the national fitness activities. At the same time, square dance effectively alleviates the social pressure of aging and enriches the spiritual and cultural life of the people. Improve the people's physical and mental health. As a popularized mass fitness activities in Zhumadian city is still in the development stage, need reasonable guidance and development. Through the promotion of square dance sports and cultural activities, promote the Zhumadian urban mass sports development, promote cultural prosperity and social harmony. This paper takes Zhumadian City Square Dance as the research object, through the investigation and analysis of the overall development of Zhumadian City Square Dance, summarizes the advantages. Find the problem, Yang excellent change the lack, put forward reasonable suggestions, enrich Zhumadian urban sports culture construction research, promote the Zhumadian city square dance scientific and healthy development. Zhumadian City to promote the implementation of the national fitness plan and the vigorous development of mass sports, but also for other small and medium-sized cities to provide reference. The research methods of mathematical statistics and logic analysis are used to investigate the present situation of Zhumadian urban square dance. The results show that the development of Zhumadian urban square dance is later than that of Zhumadian, which is the same as the area of Zhumadian. Social, economic level and other factors related; 2) the square dance team is mainly organized by the masses and the people, and the group is large and small; The venue is also park square and community street clearing; Zhumadian city square dance has a certain regional cultural characteristics, with a concise and lively style, but also some Yangge, Liangzhu butterfly culture, Pangu culture choreographed dance; (4) the participants are mainly middle-aged and old people, and the majority of them have more and more diverse occupations, most of which are for the purpose of making friends and making friends with the body and mind. Participants were aware of the duration, frequency and intensity of exercise, but were not aware of the importance of the environment and air quality during exercise. At the same time, there is no physical examination, no scientific exercise standard, and little understanding of public participation consciousness and public safety consciousness. (6) the government should strengthen the construction of public service venues and facilities and strengthen the scientific guidance of mass sports activities; At the same time, the continuous improvement of the people's comprehensive quality also has an important influence on the sustainable development of the square dance health and harmony.
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