本文关键词:英德市非公有制企业党员管理问题研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Non-public enterprises are an important force in the socialist market economy of our country at present, the number of employees and party members is increasing constantly. Strengthening the management of party members in non-public enterprises and giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. To promote the development of enterprises in accordance with the law, and to stabilize the environment for economic and social development. It is of great significance to stimulate the vitality of the market economy. The CPC Central Committee and local party committees have taken strengthening the management of party members in non-public enterprises as one of the central tasks, but at present it is still a weak link in the management of party members throughout the party. The party organization is in a weak position in the enterprise, the party member is outside the party organization, the party organization activity is difficult to carry out. The contradiction between the growing ranks of party members in non-public enterprises and the lack of party management has become increasingly prominent. Many scholars in China have conducted in-depth research on the construction of party organizations and the management of party members in non-public enterprises. In order to strengthen the management of party members in non-public enterprises, many good suggestions have been put forward, but the non-public enterprises have different characteristics in different regions and different industries, and have not yet formed effective theories, principles and policies. The experience can be replicated or used for reference to guide the management of party members in non-public enterprises. On the basis of reference to the management of party members in non-public enterprises throughout the country and the successful experiences of some regions, non-public enterprises. This paper studies the management of party members in non-public enterprises in Yingde, and tries to explore a more scientific and effective management mechanism of party members in non-public enterprises, which is similar to the economic and social development of Yingde City. The transportation geographical location is similar, the quantity and quality of non-public enterprise is equal to the area, to do a good job in the non-public enterprise party member management to provide the theory practice basis and the countermeasure suggestion, from the party member management angle. This paper summarizes the basic situation of the management of party members in non-public enterprises of our country, combs the current situation of the management of party members in non-public enterprises of Yingde City by means of statistical investigation and research method, and makes an in-depth analysis from the angles of theory and practice. This paper points out the main problems existing in the management of the Party members in the non-public enterprises of Yingde at present: the management system is not good, the party organization is not perfect, the number of the party members is not clear, the party members are unstable, the activities are not normal and the effect of the activities is not good. Using Maslow's hierarchy of demand theory and fair theory, the author explains the reason why the non-public enterprise owner and the party affairs worker carry out the party member management work slack. And from the ideological understanding of the particularity of non-public enterprises, the management model is not unified, the work is not enough. From the perspective of lagging policies and regulations, this paper summarizes the advanced experience and enlightenment of developing the management of party members in Dongguan area and enterprises, from the aspects of improving the ideological understanding, perfecting the working mechanism, strengthening the work and innovating the management mode. In order to strengthen the effectiveness of the management of party members in non-public enterprises, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on strengthening the system guarantee and so on.
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