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发布时间:2018-01-13 18:16

  本文关键词:中国人力资本与经济增长的实证研究 出处:《天津财经大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 人力资本存量 经济增长 投资形成法 总量生产函数

【摘要】:经济增长理论和世界各国的发展历史都表明人力资本是经济发展的重要因素,人力资本投资是一国经济长期持续增长的主要源泉之一。而我国的经济发展中却存在着高资源消耗、低劳动生产率、经济运行低质量等现状,使人力资本“收益递增”的规律难以充分发挥,这成为中国经济发展的一个瓶颈。基于此文章从实证的角度研究人力资本在我国经济增长中的作用。 文章首先概述了国内外与人力资本和经济增长有关的重要理论及模型,之后运用投资形成法估算出中国1952-2008年的人力资本存量,然后在总量生产函数的基础上,采用计量经济学理论中的单位根检验、协整检验、格兰杰因果检验、误差修正模型等进行实证研究,探讨人力资本与经济增长之间的长期均衡关系及其作用。 最后得出结论:显性人力资本对于经济增长的解释力不强,隐性人力资本在价值增值过程中起着关键和决定性的作用,教育投资对经济增长没有发挥出相应的的促进作用,所以应该加大教育投资,同样健康投资对经济增长也没有产生相应的促进作用。用平均教育年限法计算出的人力资本不能解释经济增长,这是因为教育年限法没有反映出教育质量的差异而引起的测量误差。最后针对以上问题提出促进我国经济增长的人力资本发展战略,作为提高人力资本的相应对策。
[Abstract]:The historical development of the theory of economic growth and the world that human capital is an important factor in economic development, human capital investment is one of the main source of economic growth. And the economic development of our country but there is a high resource consumption, low labor productivity, low quality of economic operation, the rule of human capital "increasing returns" to the full, which become a bottleneck China economic development. This article studies the human capital in the role of China's economic growth from the perspective of empirical research based on.
This article first summarizes the domestic and foreign human capital and economic growth of the important theory and model, then use the 1952-2008 method to estimate the investment China years of human capital stock, then based on the total production function, using unit root econometrics theory test, cointegration test, Grainger causality test, empirical research the error correction model, to explore the long-term equilibrium relationship and effect between human capital and economic growth.
Conclusion: the value of human capital for economic growth of the explanatory power is not strong, the hidden human capital plays a crucial and decisive role in the value-added process, investment in education does not play a corresponding role in promoting economic growth, so we should strengthen the education investment, health investment on economic growth also did not have the corresponding promotion. Calculated by the average years of education method, human capital can not explain economic growth, this is because the measurement error of education years method does not reflect the differences in educational quality and cause. Finally, to promote the economic growth of China human capital development strategy to solve the above problems, the corresponding countermeasures to enhance the human capital.



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