本文关键词:中国货币互换以及人民币汇率与股票价格在岸和离岸关系研究 出处:《华中科技大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 人民币货币互换 CNH-CNY差价 人民币汇率风险暴露 A-H股票差价
[Abstract]:In 2008 the global financial crisis, the international monetary system has experienced a severe dollar liquidity shortage crisis has a great impact on Global trade, and also bring great pressure to the international banking system. It makes more countries to realize the potential danger of running a dollar in the heart of the international monetary system. Under this background, Chinese government began to actively promote cross-border use of RMB currency, in order to reduce dependence on the dollar. One important measure is the establishment of the RMB currency swap networks. Although the established currency swap agreement is seldom true, but because of the huge economic and trade exchanges between countries, and want to be China RMB internationalization partner in the territory, more and more countries to sign the RMB currency swap agreement with Chinese. Although the RMB cross-border use And the process of internationalization is very rapid, but Chinese capital controls still exist. Because of the separation of onshore and offshore market system, making the RMB onshore and offshore rate and at the same time in the mainland and Hongkong listed company's stock price has been the price difference. As a result, Chinese foreign exchange and stock market in the bank and is worth the relationship between mining and offshore and research. Therefore, this paper selected the appropriate econometric model and method, studying the determining factors and the size of the RMB currency swap signed, from the index level and company level of foreign exchange and the stock market in the onshore and offshore price linkage relationship and macro and market factors, and influence from the company level of onshore and offshore renminbi exchange rate risk exposure at the same time on both sides of the company listed on the stock returns. The research and work of this thesis The main results mainly in the following aspects: (1) through the method and the proportional hazard model using Heckman two phase of the RMB currency swap mechanism research, found that included bilateral trade intensity, economic scale, strategic partnership, free trade agreements, economic factors, corruption and political stability coefficient, a political and institutional factors to consider effect of currency swap agreement. Once the decision to sign a swap agreement, the exchange scale is mainly affected by the trade intensity between the two countries, the economic size and whether to sign a free trade agreement. The results of the study for the method and the proportional hazard model using Heckman two stage and the annual and quarterly data are very robust. In addition, if considering the geographical factors between the state and the Chinese partner, their gravitational effects only in the early Chinese sample with neighboring countries signed the agreement mainly Could be detected. (2) using the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model. From a macro perspective on the onshore offshore RMB exchange rate Granger causality test. The difference and the difference of stock return time series modeling and sequence of mean and variance found in Shanghai and Hong Kong through before the implementation of the exchange rate and the stock of the onshore offshore overall difference at the same time increases or decreases, onshore (Offshore) RMB appreciation is always accompanied by better onshore (Offshore) stock market performance, and the onshore offshore difference degree of stability in the two markets can positively affect the degree of stability of each other, namely exchange rate fluctuations greater stock returns are less poor stable, and vice versa. But this relationship in the implementation of both Shanghai and Hong Kong through nearly a year gradually smaller. On this basis, we further found that the onshore offshore exchange rate difference and stock income difference by the onshore offshore market in general by The economic performance differences, influence the international transmission factors. Also found a series of financial market reforms can effectively reduce the volatility of onshore offshore exchange rate and stock difference. (3) from the company level of onshore and offshore renminbi exchange rate difference on the A-H share price difference. The influence of constructing dynamic panel model the company sample, using System GMM method, through the control of traditional explanatory variables affect the stock price difference, found at the company level onshore and offshore renminbi exchange rate also has a significant impact on the stock difference. At the same time, the company also from the view of the stock market and foreign exchange China onshore offshore RMB, found in the onshore and offshore exchange rate to also have significant effect on the risk of exposure to A shares and H shares listed companies. The common point is overall, the greater the degree of currency depreciation, stock income is bigger. The same is the risk of onshore Renminbi exposure compared to the offshore renminbi level is much lower, more open offshore financial market makes stocks more affected by currency movements. From the industry perspective, both onshore and offshore markets, the financial industry is affected by the currency risk exposure.
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