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发布时间:2018-01-17 00:25

  本文关键词:大西洋金枪鱼资源开发与保护现状分析 出处:《上海海洋大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大西洋 金枪鱼渔业 资源开发 保护现状 ICCAT

[Abstract]:In recent decades, anthropogenic factors such as climate change, marine environmental pollution and overfishing have led to serious depletion of global offshore fishery resources, but human demand for marine living resources has been rising. How to strike a balance between the development of marine fishery economy and the protection of marine living resources has attracted more and more attention from all countries in the world since the end of -40s. The 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone system has been established by many countries, and then adopted the Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982. As a result, coastal States' jurisdiction and protection capacity over their coastal fishery resources have been further enhanced. However, the fishing activities of other countries in the exclusive economic zone of coastal States are further managed and restricted. As a result, ocean-going fishing powers have turned their attention to the high seas fishery resources or straddling and migratory fishery resources, among them. Tuna and tuna-like is the most typical representative, and also one of the important objects in the exploitation of ocean fishery resources. This paper first discusses the current Atlantic tuna fisheries related background. Then, the current situation of Atlantic tuna fishery is discussed, and the biological characteristics of the main target species in the fishery, such as BETYFTALBSKJ and BFT, are introduced, and the total fishing yield in the Atlantic Ocean is also introduced. The change of fishing yield in the main fishing countries, the comparison of the production of different operation methods and the comparison and analysis of the total tuna quantity were carried out subsequently. In the analysis of the current situation of the tuna resources in the Atlantic Ocean. Based on the assessment of tuna resources in the ICCAT annual report, the paper analyzes the resource status of each major tuna species. At the same time refer to the ICCAT working group SCRS in the report of the summary. Finally. A general discussion of the status of the existing Atlantic tuna resources is made on the basis of individual knowledge and experience in the analysis of the current status of management of Atlantic tuna fisheries. This paper mainly introduces ICCAT, a major regional fisheries management organization, which manages tuna resources in the Atlantic Ocean, and summarizes its management system and conservation measures. Finally, based on the previous literature research, the analysis of the status of resources and the existing management mechanism research. Summary of possible problems in the management of Atlantic tuna fisheries: lack of effectiveness and completeness in existing data collection and statistics; Inadequate enforcement mechanisms to effectively eliminate illegal fishing; The existing allocation mechanism can not effectively guide States to take active resource conservation measures. Similarly, it is pointed out that many factors have led to the failure of tuna resources to achieve particularly good fisheries management at this stage. The author also puts forward some humble suggestions for improving tuna management and conservation: strengthening data collection and statistics; (a) the precautionary consideration of continuing restrictions on the increase in fishing efforts; Improving existing allocation mechanisms to promote conservation of resources by members; To implement the boarding and inspection system on the high seas and gradually strengthen the regulation of fishing activities.


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