本文关键词: 农业机械化 措施 长春市 出处:《吉林农业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The importance of agricultural mechanization, we can from the government in recent years worthwhile seeing release of a document in the file. The contents about agricultural mechanization ratio gradually increased, and give a more detailed guide to space, put in a more important position. Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of economy, coupled with the introduction of the market the mechanism of agricultural mechanization development has gradually and the rural economy coordinated development path of convergence. The level is an important index as the agricultural modernization evaluation. Jilin province is the major grain producing province. Control the development direction of Agricultural Mechanization in Jilin Province, to strengthen the agricultural mechanization of Jilin Province support, not only from the area the angle of the development can promote the development of the process of agricultural modernization in Jilin Province, from the long-term perspective is an important guarantee and provides strong support for China's food security Changchun city as Jilin. The provincial capital, plays a leading role to guide the development of Agricultural Mechanization in Jilin Province, the city of Changchun agricultural mechanization is very necessary, is the priority among priorities. The relevant data of the author through the investigation on Changchun agricultural mechanization. And establish the index system analysis model, according to the survey data through the objective. Analysis of the data, to assess the development level of agricultural mechanization Changchun from qualitative and quantitative angles. To find out the problems restricting its development, and gives the countermeasures and suggestions. The main contents of this paper are as follows: the first chapter describes the background of agricultural mechanization and the significance of this thesis topic, reviewing the related literature at home and abroad, and then explains the research content of this thesis, research objectives and research methods. The second chapter, according to the Changchun city historical data of the development of agricultural mechanization information, combined with historical statistical learning phase The related data, and from the Changchun Municipal Agricultural Commission, agricultural station and other relevant departments to obtain first-hand information. Changchun agricultural machinery from the city with the degree and the amount of equipment, the development status of agricultural mechanization degree, carries on the analysis to the Changchun status of the development of Agricultural Mechanization in agricultural social service organizations and agricultural mechanization investment and the management level of four aspects. The third chapter, this paper evaluated the level of agricultural mechanization Ministry of Agriculture issued the < > Chinese method based on the evaluation foundation, combining with the "Jilin statistical yearbook > >, < < Changchun statistical yearbook of statistics, China agricultural machinery industry yearbook > and < Jilin Province Agricultural Mechanization Management statistical yearbook >, to determine the comprehensive evaluation of the development of agricultural mechanization Changchun city 3 level indicators, including 17 level two indexes. By comprehensive analysis, the whole city of Changchun agricultural machinery The development level and development level were evaluated and analyzed respectively. The fourth chapter, according to the analysis of the second chapter and the third chapter, finds out the main problems of Agricultural Mechanization in Changchun, and proposes corresponding solutions for these problems. The fifth chapter summarizes.
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