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发布时间:2018-01-20 15:48

  本文关键词: 资源型产业 绿色转型 制约因素 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the context of supply-side structural reform, industrial transformation as the core of economic transformation has once again been attached importance to. Among them, the transformation of resource-based industry as a difficult problem of industrial transformation has once again become a hot issue. This paper takes the resource-based industry concentrated in the Northeast as the research object, under the guidance of the "green development" concept. Put forward the resource-based industry must be green transformation, and from the theoretical and empirical aspects of the focus on its constraints. First, on the basis of extensive reading of relevant literature. According to the distribution characteristics of resources in Northeast China, this paper selects 12 resource industries, such as coal mining and washing industry, oil and natural gas mining industry and ferrous metal mining and separation industry, as the object of study. And summed up its scarcity, strong asset specificity and ecological negative externalities and other characteristics. Secondly, from the resource utilization efficiency. This paper analyzes the present situation of the green development of the resource-based industry in Northeast China from three aspects of ecological environment and economic benefit, and finds that there are some problems in the green transformation: the lack of technological innovation ability and the lack of inherent motive force in the green transformation; The institutional arrangement is unreasonable and the green transition lacks an effective institutional environment. Thirdly, the article focuses on the factors restricting the green transformation of resource-based industries in Northeast China from different angles. It analyzes resource constraints from resource curse, capital constraints from precipitation costs, technological environment constraints from crowding out effects and ecological environmental constraints from negative ecological externalities. Taking the green transformation of resource-based industries in Liaoning Province as an example, this paper empirically studies the restrictive effects of several restrictive factors with the aid of time series regression model. The regression results of econometric model prove the resources and fixed capital. The four factors of technology environment and ecological environment restrict the green transformation of the resource industry obviously. Through the above conclusion, we can know that the green transformation of the resource industry in Northeast China only depends on the market or the government's single force. Quantity is difficult to achieve. It needs the organic cooperation of market, enterprise and government, so the paper puts forward some policy suggestions from three aspects of market, enterprise and government in order to promote the green transformation of resource industry in Northeast China.


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