本文关键词: 供电公司 服务流程改进 DMAIC改进 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:"Electric energy" has the commodity attribute, is the most basic energy support in the national economy development, is also related to the national economy and the people's livelihood infrastructure, along with the economic and social development and the people's living standard unceasing enhancement. The demand for electric power service, such as power metering, power quality, power supply reliability and so on, is getting higher and higher. How to improve the quality of electric power service on the basis of providing efficient, convenient and high quality electric energy. To achieve high efficiency, information, interactive service supply has become the latest challenge for electric power enterprises to adapt to the market competition. In this paper, sy power supply company as the carrier, combined with process improvement and process reengineering theory. Six Sigma management and DMAIC method, after introducing the service flow and process management system of sy power supply company, the defects of sy power supply company in service flow management are analyzed systematically. Including: the definition of customer demand is not clear, emergency handling problems, process redundancy, management confusion, service process standardization problems prominent, service process responsibility system is not clear resulting in information transmission distortion. Customer satisfaction is low, service and business complaints remain high, and then analyze the causes of the service process problems, including customer service center and 95598 service hotline management function is not clear. The service supervision organization is not independent, the service flow design is unreasonable, the service content modularization degree is low, the customer service evaluation system is not perfect. Combined with DMAIC method, this paper puts forward the process improvement scheme design, that is, adopting the typical DMAIC optimization method, from "define, measure, analyze, improve". Control "five links to analyze and design improvement programs, including: define the scope of improvement, data collection and problem identification, problem identification, improved scheme design, evaluation and promotion of control improvement effect." Finally, this paper proposes to establish a unified customer information base, service process management and standardization. Strengthen inspection and inspection and other improvement program protection measures, and analyze the effect of customer service process improvement, including service efficiency, service reliability. The improvement of customer demand satisfaction rate and the improvement of service flow can effectively improve the working efficiency and service level of power supply enterprises. Power supply enterprises to promote economic efficiency and establish a good social image to provide a strong guarantee. Through the study of this paper, we hope to solve the power supply enterprises in China's power supply enterprise service process management confusion, power supply service competitiveness is not strong. The common problems, such as low customer satisfaction, provide ideas and methods to help related enterprises achieve the goals of optimizing the organizational structure of enterprises, improving service flow, improving the level of operation and management, and enhancing the market competitiveness.
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