本文关键词: 宁夏黄河堤防 整治工程 风险评价指标体系 层次分析法 一、二维耦合 洪水影响评估 出处:《天津大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The Yellow River embankment section in Ningxia is a flood-prone area with varying degrees of flooding occurring almost every year, especially the embankment of the River Regulation Agency, although it has been controlled many times. However, due to the combined effect of the dike itself and external factors, there is still a greater risk. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a scientific and reasonable method to make a comprehensive evaluation of the risk of the key embankment of the Agency. Then select the most dangerous embankment to analyze the flood risk of breakwater. The main research results of this paper include: (1) according to the characteristics of Yellow River embankment in Ningxia, from the point of view of embankment itself and flood risk, Based on the characteristics of the risk levels and dynamics of the Yellow River embankment engineering in Ningxia, the evaluation index of the embankment risk is regarded as a multi-level structure system. Based on the field investigation and expert score, the evaluation index of the risk of the Yellow River dike in Ningxia is established. Based on the comprehensive evaluation results, the risk comprehensive evaluation of the typical embankment of UNRWA was carried out on the left bank, the right bank of Wei Ning, the left bank of bluestone and the right bank of Qingshi by the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Taking the levee with the highest risk level on the left bank of Weining as the location of the breakout, the one-dimensional and two-dimensional coupled hydrodynamic models of the Yellow River channel and the Hebei Flood Control Reserve of Zhongwei are established. The model is optimized by "dry-wet water depth discrimination", the roughness zoning and the gradual widening of the rout. The model is optimized by using the optimized model. The flood numerical simulation calculation is carried out on the condition that the Hebei Flood Protection area in Zhongwei has encountered the Yellow River channel flood once in 100 years. Based on the calculation results, flood risk analysis is carried out. Based on the deep analysis of the statistical methods of the affected social and economic data and the flood loss assessment method, the flood impact assessment of Hebei flood control protection area in Zhongwei is carried out.
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