本文关键词: 一带一路 钢铁行业 产能过剩 出口贸易 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The concept of "Belt and Road" has been widely concerned by the international community since it was put forward in 2013. It is after China's economic development has entered the new normal pattern. The important driving force and opportunity to promote the economic development of our country. The implementation of this strategy will be beneficial to the economy of China and many other countries concerned. The cultural and political implications are far-reaching. Strengthening regional cooperation and trade exchanges is the focus of construction in Belt and Road's concept, so it has a great impact on China's trade economy. In particular, the impact potential of export trade is enormous. The development of "Belt and Road" has not only improved the overall economic situation of our country, but also had a major impact on our steel industry. In recent years, China's iron and steel industry is in a depressed state. Many enterprises are facing bankruptcy, mainly because of overcapacity, and Belt and Road has created a great opportunity to solve this problem. There are many new developing countries and backward countries whose infrastructure construction is relatively imperfect and requires a large amount of steel construction, and there are also developed countries that are more developed but whose steel industry no longer has advantages. If our country can strengthen cooperation and exchanges with these countries, and increase the export of our steel products, This paper mainly studies the influence of Belt and Road's conception on China's iron and steel export trade through both theoretical and empirical aspects. The current situation of the development of the former China's steel industry and the "Belt and Road" concept, And combined with classical theory and literature, This paper analyzes the necessity of China's iron and steel industry's integration into "Belt and Road". Firstly, the article analyzes the export statistics of some steel products in China in recent years and the development strategy of some countries of "Belt and Road". Trade data and investment opportunities analysis, The analysis found that the export of China's steel products to some of the countries concerned with "Belt and Road" is higher than that of non-" Belt and Road "countries. The development strategies of these countries have also created many opportunities for China's steel products exports. In addition, the article also selected data from China's steel exports to the United States, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and other 146 countries and regions in 2015 to establish a regression model. This paper analyzes the influence of "Belt and Road" countries or regions on the export of steel products, including China's gross domestic product (GDP) and the average ad valorem import duty rate levied on steel products imported from China. The influence of GDP and Belt and Road on China's steel exports is significant, but the average ad valorem import duty rate of steel products imported from China is not significant. Finally, some suggestions are given in this paper, hoping to be helpful to solve the problem of overcapacity in China's steel industry by using Belt and Road's idea to strengthen steel exports.
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