本文关键词: 兰州市 基本公共服务 乡(镇、街道) 地理国情普查 空间差异 熵值法 出处:《兰州交通大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:基本公共服务是指由政府部门主导提供的、旨在保障全体公民生存和发展基本需求的服务,一般包括教育、卫生、文化、社会保障、公共基础设施等服务。近年来,随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,基本公共服务不均等化现象日渐明显。“十二五”规划中,国家把推进基本公共服务均等化、建立健全基本公共服务体系列为重要内容。学术界对该问题也有广泛的关注和讨论。受数据源获取困难等因素制约,从乡(镇、街道)尺度开展基本公共服务水平空间差异的研究尚不多见。本文首先构建了一个适宜于乡(镇、街道)尺度的基本公共服务水平评价的指标体系,然后以地理国情普查成果和社会经济统计年鉴为主要数据源,在对部分指标数据进行降尺度处理的基础上,运用熵值法计算和分析兰州市111个乡(镇、街道)基本公共服务水平的空间差异,并进一步就其不均等的影响因素进行了探讨。研究的主要成果和结论如下:(1)基础教育服务、基本医疗服务和交通服务三者呈现出聚集且相似的空间分布特征,高值区在城关区和七里河区的中心街道集聚分布,低值区集中分布于边缘乡、镇,形成典型的“中心-外围”结构。(2)兰州市基本公共服务中等水平以下区域的乡(镇、街道)比例占55.86%,整体水平较低,在各乡(镇、街道)的基本公共服务综合得分中,得分最高街道(酒泉路街道)是得分最低乡(哈岘乡)的3.32倍,空间差异性较大。(3)从全局空间相关性来看,兰州市基本公共服务具有较强的全局空间关联性(Moran’s I=0.61);从局部空间自相关分析来看,大部分的乡(镇、街道)基本公共服务水平表现为无显著空间相关性,而城关区、七里河区和西固区的部分街道形成三个典型的高水平聚集区,榆中县、皋兰县、永登县的边缘乡镇表现出低水平的聚集区。说明中心区域扩散作用比较明显,但辐射带动作用不是很强,外围乡镇基本公共服务发展缓慢,与中心区域差距较大。(4)从交通带特征来看,较高水平和高水平区域大体上沿铁路和公路方向成轴带状分布;从整体趋势来看,在东西方向呈中部隆起,两翼凹陷的“n”形趋势,在南北方向呈中部隆起,南高北低的“n”形趋势。(5)经济水平、人口密度、城市化水平的高低与兰州市基本公共服务水平密切相关,在一定程度上促进了兰州市基本公共服务水平的发展。研究结果可为相关政府部门推进兰州市基本公共服务均等化发展提供更加详实的决策支持信息。
[Abstract]:Basic public services are services provided by government departments aimed at ensuring the survival and development of basic needs of all citizens, generally including education, health, culture, social security, public infrastructure, etc. In recent years, With the rapid development of China's social economy, the phenomenon of unequal basic public services is becoming increasingly obvious. In the 12th Five-Year Plan, the state promotes equalization of basic public services. Establishing and perfecting the basic public service system is an important content. Academic circles also have extensive attention and discussion on this issue. Restricted by factors such as difficulty in obtaining data sources, The research on the spatial difference of basic public service level in street scale is rare. Firstly, an index system of evaluating basic public service level suitable for township (town, street) scale is constructed in this paper. Then, taking the results of the census of geographical conditions and the yearbook of social and economic statistics as the main data sources, on the basis of the downscaling of some index data, the entropy method is used to calculate and analyze 111 townships (towns) in Lanzhou. The spatial difference of the basic public service level and the influence factors of its inequality are discussed. The main results and conclusions of the study are as follows: 1) basic education service. The three basic medical services and transportation services show a similar spatial distribution feature. The high value areas are concentrated in the central streets of Chengguan District and Qili River District, and the low value areas are concentrated in the marginal townships and towns. The proportion of townships (towns and streets) below the average level of basic public services in Lanzhou City is 55.86, and the overall level is relatively low. In the comprehensive scores of basic public services in various townships (towns, streets), The highest score street (Jiuquan Road street) is 3.32 times of the lowest score township (Da Nang Township), and the spatial difference is large. The basic public service in Lanzhou city has strong global spatial correlation. From the local spatial autocorrelation analysis, the level of basic public service in most townships (towns and streets) shows no significant spatial correlation, but the Chengguan district. There are three typical high level gathering areas formed in some streets of Qilihe District and Xigu District. The marginal villages and towns in Yuzhong County, Gaolan County, Yongdeng County show low level gathering areas. This shows that the diffusion effect of the central region is obvious. But the radiation driving effect is not very strong, the development of the basic public service in the peripheral villages and towns is slow, and the gap with the central area is big. According to the characteristics of the traffic belt, the higher level and the high level area are distributed along the axis of the railway and highway direction. From the overall trend, the trend of "n" shape in the east-west direction is central uplift, the "n" trend in the two-wing sag is "n" trend in the north and south direction, and the "n" shape trend in the south is high and low in the north and south.) the economic level, population density, The level of urbanization is closely related to the level of basic public services in Lanzhou. The research results can provide more detailed decision support information for relevant government departments to promote the development of basic public services equalization in Lanzhou.
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