本文选题:金融资源 切入点:非均衡分布 出处:《武汉工程大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since 1978, China's financial industry has developed rapidly and its total assets have been increasing. At the same time, financial efficiency and people's living standards have also been improving, but on the other hand, The unbalanced distribution of financial resources leads to the polarization between the rich and the poor and the widening of the income gap between urban and rural residents. For a long time, the urban-rural dual economic structure has resulted in the urban-rural income gap. It is not difficult to see that the development of financial resources itself has an obvious tendency of urban-rural dualization, so under the disequilibrium distribution of financial resources, it is not difficult to see that the development of financial resources has an obvious tendency of urban-rural dualization. How to narrow the income gap through the financial development policy of our country, so as to rationalize the income distribution, which is of great significance for building a well-off society in an all-round way. The development of financial resources in China needs to redistribute residents' income through economic growth effect, threshold effect and policy guidance effect. The income distribution of our country has the tendency of unbalanced development of regional economy, wide income gap between urban and rural areas, and widening income gap between different social groups and different industries. Since the reform and opening up, the economic development between regions and between urban and rural areas has been unbalanced. The trend of the widening gap is becoming increasingly obvious. The reasons for the imbalance in economic growth are, on the whole, historical, natural, political, and economic. This paper focuses on the combination of theoretical analysis and empirical research from the perspective of financial resources. To explore the relationship between the disequilibrium of regional financial resources distribution and the imbalance of income distribution and the ways to improve it. Firstly, this paper reviews the relevant literature on financial resources and the income gap between urban and rural areas. This paper makes a statistical analysis of the income gap between urban and rural areas and the unbalanced development of financial resources in the east, middle and west of China since 1978. In the empirical analysis, this paper makes innovative choices such as deposit and loan of financial institutions, regional premium income, etc. Foreign investment and other indicators related to the measurement of financial resources are used to analyze financial resources. Secondly, using the test method of linear regression, using SPSS software, According to the empirical analysis, we can find that the expansion of financial scale leads to the income gap between urban and rural residents. In this way, to a large extent, it will restrain the balanced development of regional economy in China. Improving the disequilibrium of financial resources will reduce the difference of national income, narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas, and improve the dual economic structure. So as to promote the effect of economic growth on the poverty reduction of income distribution. In the short term, the scale, efficiency, structure and economic growth of China's financial development will contribute to the national Gini coefficient. The influence of urban-rural income gap is deviated from long-term equilibrium. Therefore, the reasonable and balanced development of financial resources plays a positive role in narrowing the gap of income distribution. Narrowing the income distribution gap as an important goal of China's financial development cannot be changed. In the process of China's financial development, it is necessary to develop the financial scale, financial depth and financial structure in order to improve China's unbalanced income distribution system. Strive to narrow the income gap of Chinese residents and promote the sustained and perfect rapid development of our economy.
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