本文选题:三峡库区 切入点:滑坡 出处:《中国地质大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The complexity of geological environment, geological disaster occurrence mechanism of spatial difference and uncertainty, which makes the theoretical level and the current method is difficult to realize the time of occurrence of unexpected geological disasters occurred, accurately predict the scale and influence scope, it is difficult to guarantee the people's property and life safety of sudden geological disasters. Therefore, in the existing research results of geological disaster background, need to find effective ways to carry out geological disaster disaster before the decision and the means to carry out geological disaster risk assessment and management countermeasures to realize geological disaster reduction has important significance to the prevention and control treatment. Wanzhou district is the second largest city in Chongqing, is the center of the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The landslide disaster is the area of the main geological disaster prevention center. In recent years, with the Three Gorges headquarters, Wanzhou District Land Bureau, Wanzhou district local township office. Cooperate with each other and effort level departments, the risk management system of Wanzhou geological disaster has taken shape, but still faces the disaster prediction difficult, management is imperfect. Therefore, based on the risk assessment and management of landslide disaster as the theme, based on systematic analysis of the domestic and foreign research status and management of landslide disaster risk assessment and summary the results of previous studies, in Wanzhou District of Chongqing city as the sample, and two single from the regional landslide scale of risk assessment and risk management measures. The research results of Wanzhou district and its regional China he geological hazards prevention and management work has played an active role in guiding, has important theoretical and practical the significance. This paper from the domestic and foreign research status of landslide disaster risk assessment and risk management of landslide hazard are summarized, and points out the existing problems in the current study; from Natural geography, meteorology and hydrology, topography, lithology, geological structure, neotectonic movement, the development of landslide hydrology geology and the District of Wanzhou and the distribution of the eight aspects of the analysis of regional environmental geology in Wanzhou area; according to the basic flow of regional landslide risk assessment, introduces the selection and analysis of landslide disaster risk evaluation index the analysis of landslide susceptibility, hazard analysis of landslide, landslide disaster vulnerability analysis and risk analysis of landslide hazard and landslide acceptable method criterion of six aspects; taking Wanzhou district as an example, using three kinds of susceptibility analysis model to the three kinds of landslide under the condition of different rainfall risk division, and the results of previous studies of landslide disaster risk acceptance criterion based on the evaluation of the acceptability of the landslide disaster risk; to Tangjiao No. 1 Landslide as an example, the stability of landslide The basis, carried out four different water level rainfall combined conditions of landslide failure probability calculation, and based on the most dangerous condition is carried out and the secondary landslide surge hazard risk analysis and evaluation system; analysis of the current situation of geological disaster risk management in Wanzhou, summarizes the main methods of geological disaster risk management in China, and then from Wanzhou and the single landslide two scale proposed countermeasures for Wanzhou District landslide disaster risk management. In this paper considering the different intensity of rainfall induced landslide time probability of dynamic regional landslide disaster risk assessment method based on working condition, the landslide hazard risk characteristics of the Three Gorges Reservoir area, the risk assessment of single landslide surge and secondary disasters method there is, has certain innovation in this area and two single scale landslide disaster risk management strategies. The paper take The main research achievements are as follows: (1) summarizes the main problems existing in the research and management of landslide hazard and risk assessment. Through the analysis of previous research results, from the evaluation of landslide hazard risk, disaster risk assessment and the secondary disasters of landslide risk assessment in three aspects summarizes the present research of landslide hazard and risk assessment of the problem single landslide fine, these problems are mainly concentrated in the research, quantification and standardization issues; at the same time from the technical method, put forward the existing landslide risk management problems in the application object, for example: it is difficult to determine the risk acceptance criteria. (2) summarizes the development and distribution of landslide disaster Wanzhou District Wanzhou district. Through the analysis of landslide disaster history and geological logging data, meteorological data base, get the landslide in Wanzhou district development and distribution characteristics in Wanzhou district. Soil landslide, landslide scale mainly for the medium, on the plane form developed listric profile, developed into a convex shape and a ladder. Landslide body material is mainly derived from Quaternary colluvial, alluvial and residual slope sediments, the soil landslide Landslide material is mainly silty clay clip fragments of stone, landslide material is mainly sandstone or mudstone interbedded sandstone rock landslide; sliding zone mainly develops in the structure of the weak structural surface and sand mudstone contact surface; the sliding bed is mainly developed in the Jurassic Shaxi Temple group (J2s) on the ground. In addition, the sliding slope based deformation mechanism with the gradual failure. In addition, Wanzhou landslide in space has banded distribution along the Yangtze River and its tributaries, the vertical zonal distribution along the slope height, attachment area anticline, slope area and city characteristics along the construction area concentrated in time, After the landslide mainly improve the reservoir water level of Three Gorges Reservoir Area in 2003, and especially during the period from 2003 to 2007, the 145-156m level is more concentrated; at the same time, also concentrated in 6,7,8 months, 9,10 months in May and the second. (3) analysis and evaluation of the landslide disaster in Wanzhou area. According to the risk analysis and evaluation of landslide risk areas of the process and through the Wanzhou landslide susceptibility analysis, risk analysis, the analysis of the vulnerability of disaster bearing body and economic value and estimating the number of personnel and other aspects, Wanzhou district population and economic landslide disaster risk zoning map, and based on the previous landslide disaster to the risk acceptance criteria, obtain the landslide in Wanzhou area acceptable risk degree distribution. Among them, the landslide disaster is the basis of the susceptibility evaluation index selection and classification in the landslide disaster, choose the logistic regression model, SVM model, decision tree The analysis model of three kinds of statistical models were compared; the occurrence time of probability will pass under the three different conditions of rainfall return period analysis of landslide hazard analysis of landslide; bearing analysis of vulnerability based on statistical data, determined by semi quantitative method. After calculation, Wanzhou district risk areas are mainly high grade concentrated in the main urban area of Wanzhou, and along the rivers. The zonal distribution features, regional risk level is low. The high altitude condition in Wanzhou District landslide disaster economic risk and population risk for 50mm maximum daily rainfall conditions. Without considering the Wanzhou district governance project under the condition of the landslide disaster risk for overall economic the acceptable year, population risk acceptable - tolerable range. (4) analysis and evaluation of the Tangjiao No. 1 landslide surge and secondary disaster risk. The Tangjiao No. 1 Landslide Displacement Monitoring Based on measured data Material analysis, landslide stability zoning, typical calculation section; monitoring data analysis combined with the reservoir water level and the landslide deformation conditions was determined to calculate the 4 kinds of reservoir water level rainfall combination, simulation of underground water level of each partition, and calculate failure probability; failure probability calculation based on the results, to determine the most dangerous conditions, and to determine the conditions into the river the range of possible Tangjiao No. 1 landslide, surge height calculation, determine the scope of influence of surge disaster; combined with the influence range of Tangjiao No. 1 Landslide and its surge in disaster disaster vulnerability analysis and evaluation, to obtain the most dangerous conditions Tangjiao No. 1 landslide and its surge disaster economic risk and risk distribution of the population by chart. Calculation of the most dangerous conditions, Tangjiao No. 1 landslide risk areas are mainly concentrated in the central front, Tangjiao No. 1 Landslide year economic risk and risk years casualties reached acceptable levels. (5) proposed 000 State of landslide disaster risk management countermeasures. From the two aspects of the basic concepts and work flow of the main means of management of geological disaster risk in China: the monitoring and prevention of geological disasters and landslides disaster emergency response, points out the main problems at present two methods exist. Through collecting survey data of Wanzhou District, from the geological disaster Wanzhou district risk management practices, analyzed the status quo of Wanzhou geological disaster risk management, points out the existing Wanzhou geological disaster risk management. Combined with the evaluation of Wanzhou landslide disaster risk results, proposed landslide disaster risk management strategies, from the perspective of the region include: strengthening the landslide investigation and monitoring work, improve the landslide disaster emergency plan, strengthen the training of professional technical personnel, optimize the organizational structure and assist mode of functional departments, construction of dynamic risk management system, increase the Landslide risk control input, optimization planning of city construction and strengthen the public education and public information service. Combined with the Tangjiao No. 1 landslide risk assessment results, from a single point of view, put forward the single landslide risk management measures, including: strengthening the monitoring system construction, improve the landslide and secondary surge disaster emergency response capability.
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