本文选题:个人所得税 切入点:收入差距 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Individual income tax has attracted much attention because of its regulating effect on income distribution in theory. Personal income tax ("personal income tax") is the individual (resident or family) who acquires personal income within a certain period of time. Taxes paid at a certain rate, It is a general term for social relations between tax authorities and taxpayers in the collection and supervision of personal income tax under the tax law. Income distribution concerns the vital interests of each member of society. It is an important embodiment to measure the fair degree of social development. Unreasonable income gap will weaken the labor enthusiasm of different social groups, cause social contradictions and hinder economic growth for a long time. Therefore, the adjustment of income gap by personal income tax has been an academic field in recent years. Therefore, the research content of this paper mainly includes the following four points: first, carefully combing the previous research literature on individual income tax and its role in regulating income gap. And make brief comments; second, according to the order of time, expound economists' theoretical analysis of tax adjustment income gap; third, compare the individual income tax system between China and Japan. On this basis, we use relevant data to measure the effectiveness of tax adjustment of income gap between the two countries. 4th, combined with the above research results and the situation of Laos, According to the current situation of economic development, this paper thinks that the individual income tax of Laos should be based on the family as the tax unit, and scientifically and reasonably carry out the tax rate design. To establish a deduction mechanism for families with different economic conditions, to combine tax collection and administration with self-declaration and withholding, and to speed up the process of reforming our country's comprehensive tax-classified system. At the same time, the individual tax system is not omnipotent. In order to narrow the unreasonable income gap, we should perfect the redistribution mechanism such as social insurance and social relief so as to promote social stability and economic growth with perfect social system.
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