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发布时间:2018-03-16 04:04

  本文选题:农村土地 切入点:土地产权 出处:《吉林大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The system of farmland property right is the basic economic system in rural areas, and rural land is one of the most basic means of production in agricultural production. Therefore, the operation of farmland property rights is related to all aspects of agricultural and rural economic and social development and progress. To solve the problem of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", we should focus on promoting the innovation of system and mechanism. At present, the core of the problem of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" is gradually embodied in the land problem, and the root of the land problem lies in the property right. Jilin Province is a big agricultural province, which is the main grain producing area. The operation of farmland property rights plays an important role in the agricultural development and social progress of Jilin Province. This paper analyzes the realistic predicament facing the farmland property right in Jilin Province, excavates the causes of the predicament, sums up the advanced experience of the reform and evolution of the rural land property right system at home and abroad, and explores the institutional innovation of the farmland property right in Jilin Province in combination with the actual situation of the province. According to the needs of the research, this paper divides the research contents into five parts: the first part includes chapter 1 and chapter 2, which introduces the basis, contents and methods of this paper, and makes a comprehensive review of the current research situation at home and abroad. The concept of property right, rural land property right, rural land property right and rural land property right system are defined, and the theory of supporting property right, institutional change theory and path dependence theory are expounded in this paper. The second part includes chapter 3 and chapter 4, which analyzes the present situation, predicament and cause of formation of the rural land property right in Jilin province, and uses the methods of describing statistics, constructing index system, factor analysis, etc. Through dealing with the statistical yearbooks and field investigation data through the econometric software such as SPSS Excel, this paper objectively analyzes the current running situation of farmland property right in Jilin Province, and on this basis, analyzes the predicament that Jilin Province is facing in farmland property right. The third part includes the fifth chapter, introducing the farmland property right system and its reform in Japan and Korea, the land stock cooperative system, the "two fields system", the "land and land permanent use system" in our country. This paper summarizes the beneficial experience of the exploration of the farmland property right system at home and abroad, the 4th part includes the sixth chapter, on the basis of the above research, puts forward the system design, including the connotation and necessity of the system, to carry out the rural land "three rights separate structure" in Jilin Province. The rationality analysis and the way to realize the system; the last part is chapter 7, The basic conclusion is that the system design of rural land "three rights division" in Jilin Province can solve the practical dilemma of farmland property right operation in Jilin Province. It is a reasonable and feasible system choice for Jilin Province to meet the demands of the development of productive forces and the path dependence of institutional change, to give full play to the role of property right, to conform to the actual situation of Jilin Province and to conform to the national policies and policies.


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