本文选题:足迹家族 切入点:足迹整合 出处:《中央民族大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since Rees put forward the ecological footprint analysis method in 1992, this evaluation index, which represents the occupation of resources, has been widely used, and its research methods, objects and categories have been innovated one after another. With the development of economy and the progress of society, the resources are exhausted. Greenhouse Effect, extreme weather and other environmental impacts are increasingly expanding, and ecological environmental problems are gradually changing from a single local type to a composite comprehensive one. Footprint family and footprint integration have gradually been proposed and become a research hotspot. In this paper, the land footprint, fossil energy footprint, water footprint and corresponding carrying capacity of China from 1978 to 2014 are calculated by using the National Ecological footprint account (NFA). The "longitudinal and horizontal pull open grade" method is used to combine the above mentioned footprints and bearing capacity indexes into a comprehensive footprint and a comprehensive bearing capacity. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The total ecological pressure of our country is increasing, and the econometric analysis of the relationship between the comprehensive footprint and GDP, the three major footprints and the GDP is carried out by using the vector autoregressive VAR model and the error-modified VEC model. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The comprehensive footprint increased from 0.6401ghm2 to 1.5276ghm2, and the comprehensive carrying capacity decreased from 0.8650ghm2 to 0.6062ghm2.In 1991, the ecological deficit appeared and gradually expanded. There is a Granger causality relationship from GDP to comprehensive footprint, which indicates that economic growth is accompanied by land. An extensive approach to increased consumption of energy and water resources. 2. Land resources are on the verge of an ecological deficit. Urban construction planning affects the change of land footprint. The land footprint is reduced from 0.5651ghm2 to 0.4850ghm2, the land carrying capacity is reduced from 0.6760ghm2 to 0.4971ghm2, and the ecological surplus is reduced from 0.1109ghm2 to 0.0121ghm2.In the VEC model of land footprint, the endogenous variables are fossil energy footprint and GDP, and the response to the impact of GDP is negative. The most significant contribution was to 50%, taking into account the impact of urbanization. 3. The fossil energy footprint deficit soared. The fossil energy footprint increased from 0.5268ghm2 to 2.7516ghm2, the fossil energy carrying capacity decreased from 0.1056ghm2 to 0.0844ghm2, and the ecological deficit increased from 0.4572ghm2 to 2.6672ghm2.In the VEC model of fossil energy footprint, the endogenous variable is water footprint. The impact on the water footprint shows a negative response, with a small contribution of 25%. Considering the impact of hydroelectricity, the available fresh water is continuously decreasing, and the agricultural water consumption is relatively large. The water footprint increased from 0.8375ghm2 to 1.1887ghm2, the water carrying capacity was reduced from 1.8158ghm2 to 1.2389ghm2, the ecological surplus was reduced from 0.9783ghm2 to 0.0502ghm2 and the deficit occurred in 2011. The endogenous variables are land footprint and VEC, and the impact on the land footprint is positive response, and the impact degree is 54%, considering agricultural water use. In the VEC model of GDP, the endogenous variable is water footprint, and the impact on water footprint is negative. Although the influence degree of 7% is relatively weak, it can still be considered that the influence exists .5.The integration of footprint family has certain practical significance, and the comprehensive footprint can be used as an effective evaluation index. Based on the above conclusions, this paper puts forward to grasp the policy direction from the macro aspect. Strengthen the law enforcement supervision, pay attention to the quality of urban construction, strengthen the electric power science and technology investment, control the water pollution and so on several aspects suggestion, and put forward the prospect to the footprint conformity research. The innovation of this paper lies in the use of the same method to calculate the footprint family, The footprint integration and analysis of ecological occupation are carried out from the perspective of "sub-total", and then the econometric relationship between the footprint family and economic growth is explored from the perspective of "total footprint". It is shown that the comprehensive footprint and footprint family can be used as a more comprehensive index for calculating ecological occupation, which makes the footprint integration have certain practical significance.
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