本文选题:旅游地产 切入点:商业计划书 出处:《华南理工大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Tourism real estate is a kind of property purchase project which is different from the traditional residential project. The characteristics and advantages of tourism real estate are that it is a seamless link between tourism and real estate, and has better cultural connotation or natural landscape. At the same time, it has a certain investment value. Especially in the face of the global economic downturn in recent years, the domestic economy is facing structural adjustment, the market continues to be depressed, the stock pressure of commercial housing is constantly rising, and housing investment is in a downward trend. Tourism real estate appears to be emerging. The Central Committee has clearly put forward the development of the tourism industry as an important national development strategy. According to statistics, the total number of domestic and foreign tourists received by China in the whole year of 2015 is as high as 4.1 billion. The total revenue from tourism is as high as 4 trillion yuan. Compared with last year, the number of tourists increased by 10 percent and 12 percent respectively, and 66 percent of tourists in a random sample survey showed a tendency to buy tourist real estate. Tourism real estate has become a new investment bright spot in the transformation of real estate enterprises. Policy support. The promotion of tourism market and investment demand has promoted the development of tourism real estate projects in recent years. It is necessary to do scientific research and analysis before development, to find a breakthrough, and to carry out detailed project feasibility analysis. This paper takes the LZ small town project as an example, the author as the project manager, after many discussions, This paper determines the direction of writing the business plan of LZ small town tourism real estate project, through a large number of market investigation and careful analysis, deeply excavates the local tourism resources, creates the project own characteristic. The qualitative and quantitative research methods, through the analysis of PEST-SWOT, have made a precise positioning, formed a perfect planning plan and carried out a detailed financial evaluation. This is an investment in future tourism real estate projects. Development and research provide a rich reference.
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