本文选题:物流业 切入点:经济增长 出处:《西北师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:China's economic development has entered a new stage of slow growth and adjustment. All walks of life are exploring new driving forces for economic growth. The logistics industry has developed rapidly in China in recent years, plus it has contributed to the overall planning of regional economic development and the optimization of economic structure. In order to explore the impact of the logistics industry on China's economic growth, the State Council promulgated the "medium and long term Plan for the Development of Logistics Industry 2014-2020" in 2014 to make the logistics industry a basic and strategic industry in China. This article synthetically uses the theory and the empirical analysis method, first uses the economics theory to analyze the logistics industry development to the economic growth efficiency improvement effect, the cost saving effect, the value realization effect and the value increment effect. Then using the nuclear density estimation method to analyze the evolution characteristics of the regional logistics industry in China. Finally, select the panel data of 31 provincial administrative regions from 1998 to 2013, using the econometric model to analyze the role of the logistics industry development on the economic growth of our country, and find out at the same time, There are regional differences in the influence of logistics industry on economic growth. The results show that: first, the speed of logistics industry development in China has accelerated since 1998, and there are regional differences in the development of logistics industry, and the logistics scale in the eastern region is the largest. The logistics industry in the central region develops rapidly, while the logistics industry in the western region lags behind. Second, the output elasticity of the logistics industry presents three stage characteristics with the increase of economic growth rate: at the low fraction of economic growth, The contribution of logistics industry to economic growth is relatively stable; the contribution of logistics industry to economic growth is synergistic with total output among 0.3-0.8 loci of economic growth; at high score sites, the contribution of logistics industry to economic growth is similar to that of low-score sites. Third, the logistics industry has the largest output elasticity in the western region, followed by the middle and the east. Based on the empirical results, the paper gives the relevant policy recommendations from four aspects to improve the efficiency of the logistics market. Promote logistics to promote economic growth; rational distribution of logistics industry, enhance regional logistics capacity; enhance the level of logistics specialization, innovation logistics industry development model; promote low-carbon logistics, achieve green development.
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