本文选题:特高压 切入点:绕击 出处:《华北电力大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the 21st century, because of the rapid development of economy, the demand for power load in some developed areas of our country is increasing day by day, which makes the distribution of energy in our country extremely unbalanced with the power load in these areas.Under the background of the imbalance between supply and demand, the rapid development of China's electric power industry has been promoted. In order to increase the power supply load,Higher voltage levels and larger capacity will be used to carry out longer UHV AC transmission.However, from the results of some actual transmission line operation statistics both at home and abroad, the higher the voltage level is, the higher the probability of tripping will be when the overhead line is struck by lightning.Therefore, how to design the lightning protection of UHV transmission line becomes an urgent problem.This paper mainly focuses on the lightning protection performance of 1000 kV UHV dual circuit AC transmission lines in our country.Aiming at the characteristics of 1000 kV UHV dual circuit AC transmission line, the simulation model of lightning response is established by using the electromagnetic transient simulation software of ATP-EMTP.In the establishment of counterattack model, we fully consider some typical structural characteristics of UHV AC transmission line, and also choose the impedance model at different position of tower at different wave speed.When the lightning current strikes the grounding resistance of the line, the characteristics are nonlinear; when the lightning current strikes the top of the tower of the transmission line,The power frequency voltage in the transmission line will produce random power frequency voltage waveform. The method to determine the lightning resistance level of the 1000 kV UHV double circuit AC transmission line is a statistical method using probability.The characteristics of lightning resistance of 1000 kV UHV dual circuit AC transmission lines with different factors are also analyzed.Among these different factors, the most sensitive part to the anti-lightning performance of transmission lines is the impact resistance of the tower, in which the reverse phase sequence arrangement of double-circuit transmission lines is higher than that of the anti-lightning resistance when the positive phase sequence is arranged.The influence of the distance between the transmission lines on the lightning resistance performance of the whole transmission line can be neglected, and the power frequency voltage can also affect the lightning resistance performance of the transmission line.In the last part of the paper, the electric geometric model used in the calculation of the tripping rate of the transmission line is improved after the introduction of the strike distance parameter k and the ground inclination 胃.At the same time, some viewpoints that lightning width and the amplitude of lightning current are associated with strike distance are introduced. At the same time, the condition that the calculation result of lightning width of regulation method is too large is corrected.Finally, the calculation results of the wound failure rate of the line show that the equivalent lightning width of the line will gradually decrease with the increasing of the strike distance coefficient k, and its size will become more obvious with the increase of the inclination angle 胃 of the ground.The effect of strike distance coefficient k on the tripping rate decreases with the increase of k value.
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