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发布时间:2018-04-20 05:36

  本文选题:澳门 + 美术社团 ; 参考:《中央美术学院》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:澳门,一个人口不过百万的城市,按非正式统计资料显示,拥有超过七千个非政府性的民间组织。在独特的的殖民历史背景下,民间社团、经济发展和民主治理的相互牵引关系,使澳门因此被视为典型的"社团社会"。与此相对应的是,几乎所有艺术家,都与本土美术社团有着密切的关系。他们不仅同时是多个美术社团的成员,或在其中担任重要职位,发挥职能,亦成立新的美术社团。美术社团的存在和延续,不仅来自于中国文人结社的文化传统,更有赖于自由结社的法律保障和稳定坚实的经济基础。进入70年代以后,不同时期澳门政府对文化艺术社团的物质性支持虽然在方式和规模上有所变化,但始终存在。因其在澳门本土艺术中起到的重要推进作用,特区政府更是着力加大对文化艺术类社团的财政投入。相应地,获得与争取政府资源也成为社团活动的经常性内容和某些社团的成立动因。澳门政府对艺术的投入和支持,透过美术社团发挥作用,社团的存在和发展不仅体现了政府的文化导向,也有来自外部世界的影响。本文采用质性研究(Qualitative Research)的方法,实地考察澳门二十世纪至今主要的美术社团和政府近三十年的文化艺术类社团资助政策:从传统书画群体、现代主义艺术家团体再到新兴的当代艺术家组织和非牟利性艺术空间,这些集群的组织形式都是澳门社会生活最为典型的"民间社团"。同时比对近邻香港对于文艺社团的资助办法,提出未来澳门本土艺术可行的发展策略和前景。
[Abstract]:Macau, a city with a population of just one million, has more than 7,000 non-governmental organizations, according to informal statistics. Against the background of unique colonial history, Macao is regarded as a typical "community society" because of the mutual traction of civil society, economic development and democratic governance. In contrast, almost all artists have a close relationship with local art societies. They are not only members of many art societies, but also hold important positions and functions, and set up new art societies. The existence and continuation of art association not only come from the cultural tradition of Chinese literati association, but also depend on the legal guarantee of free association and stable and solid economic foundation. After 70's, the material support of the Macao government to the cultural and artistic organizations has changed in the way and scale, but always exists. Because of its important role in the promotion of local art in Macao, the SAR government has made great efforts to increase its financial investment in cultural and artistic societies. Accordingly, obtaining and striving for government resources has become the regular content of community activities and the motivation of the establishment of some associations. The Macao government's investment and support to the art, through the art association play a role, the community's existence and development not only embodies the government's cultural orientation, but also has the influence from the outside world. Based on the qualitative research method, this paper makes a field study of the major art societies in Macao and the government's policy of supporting cultural and artistic societies in the past three decades: from the traditional painting and calligraphy groups to the traditional painting and calligraphy groups. The modernist artists' groups come to the newly emerging contemporary artists' organizations and the non-profit-making art space. These clusters are the most typical "civil society" in Macao's social life. At the same time, by comparing the methods of subsidizing literary and art associations in Hong Kong, the author puts forward the feasible development strategy and prospect of local art in Macao in the future.


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