本文选题:环境政策 + 环境技术 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:The key to solving the contradiction between the economy and the environment lies in the progress of the environment technology. Only the clean technology is gradually replacing the non clean technology in the economic activity, can the economic development change to the clean direction. The development of the environmental technology is lower than the optimal level of the social welfare under the free market conditions, and the government's environmental policy can be encouraged. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the endogenous mechanism of environmental technology progress and to test the effect of environmental policy. This paper constructs a general equilibrium model to analyze the endogenous biochemical mechanism of environmental technology progress, and selects patent data as an indicator to measure the level of technological progress, and empirically examines the influence of environmental technology progress in China's manufacturing industry. The main factors and the effect of environmental law on environmental technology progress in China, and the effect of oil price on the direction of environmental technology progress in China's auto industry, and get the following main conclusions: first, a general equilibrium model with clean and non clean two departments as the main body is constructed, and the cleaning technology is found under different economic environment conditions. There are different factors in the direction of progress. In the closed economic environment, the direction of technological progress is mainly influenced by the current technological level, and the technology progress is faster in the Department with high technical level; the technology progress is slow in the low technical level. Therefore, the government environmental policies need to intervene to promote the development of clean technology. For example, the pollution production. In the open economy environment, the research found that international trade in goods can improve the relative price of two sector products, and enhance the comparative advantages of developing countries in non clean products, and improve the clean technology progress in the open economic environment. In addition, the developing countries can also improve the level of clean technology through technology introduction and imitation. Two, under free market conditions, the rate of technological progress in the clean and non clean sectors depends on the two sector technical reserves and the number of scientists. On the balanced growth path, the rate of clean and non clean technology progress and the structure of the labor force are both on the balanced growth path. It is influenced by the contribution rate of scientists. When the pollution emission of the non clean sector reaches the upper limit of the environmental bearing capacity, the economic growth will depend on the clean technology sector. If the two departments have an alternative relationship, the speed of the technological progress of the clean sector will be gradually improved; when the two sectors are complementary, the clean technology progress will stagnate under the free market conditions. When the path is an alternative relationship between the two sectors, the external impact can lead to a clean or non clean economic direction. Therefore, the economic development direction can be realized through environmental policy. The equilibrium growth path is a stable equilibrium and the clean technology progress is restricted when the equilibrium growth path is complementary to the two sectors. Clean sector scientists Scale is the key to determining the rate of clean technology progress. This article suggests that the government can start with the labor structure, encourage scientists to enter the clean sector through wage subsidies, and induce young people to engage in clean technology research and development through educational subsidies, so that the rapid expansion of the scale of scientists in the clean sector will promote the long-term and rapid development of clean technology. Three, this paper uses the patent panel data of China's manufacturing industry to carry out an empirical analysis. The results show that international trade, environmental regulation, market income and ownership structure have a biased impact on the direction of environmental technology progress. First, export trade has a positive impact on clean technology and non clean technology, but it is biased towards non clean technology; Two, import trade significantly encourages clean technology progress, has a negative impact on the progress of non clean technology, and is biased towards the direction of clean technology. Third, environmental regulation has the effect of encouraging clean technology progress, but also has a positive impact on the progress of non clean technology and has a stronger role. This kind of situation is due to the current environmental policy of China as a result of administration. Instruction type is the main type, the environmental supervision is not perfect and the law enforcement is not strict; fourth, the domestic market income has an incentive effect on clean technology and non clean technology progress, but it has more influence on the progress of non clean technology and is biased towards the non clean direction. It can be seen that the market economy environment policy is the best means to promote the progress of clean technology; Fifth The economic scale has a negative relationship with clean technology and the progress of non clean technology. The scale of foreign investment has a positive relationship with the progress of clean technology. It has a negative relationship with the progress of non clean technology and is biased towards the clean direction. Four. Through the virtual variable method, this paper examines the change of the rate of clean technology progress after the environmental protection law is out of stage. The improvement rate of clean technology has been improved by about 1%.. The effect of China's environmental protection law on environmental technology progress is estimated by the difference method. The result shows that China's environmental protection law does not have a significant statistical impact on the progress rate of clean technology. That is, the progress of clean technology is not introduced by environmental protection law and is higher than environmental protection law. The results show that the incentive effect of China's environmental protection law on environmental technology progress does not appear with the passage of time. The results of the marginal impact of China's environmental protection law show that the progress rate of China's clean technology is not in the middle. The law of environmental protection in China has produced significant changes. Five, choosing the price of oil as a measure of the carbon tax policy, using the Chinese automobile industry clean technology and the non clean technology to invent the patent panel data, this paper uses two models of Poisson regression and negative binomial regression to analyze the clean and non clean technology in the rise of fuel price. The result shows that the improvement of oil price has a promoting effect on the progress of clean technology in automobile enterprises, and has a inhibitory effect on the progress of non clean technology, and the inhibition effect is gradually increased with time. The technological progress of Chinese manufacturers is also affected by the technical reserves of other domestic manufacturers, and the technological stock of foreign manufacturers has a weak impact on the application of Chinese enterprises' technology patents. In addition, the income level has a positive impact on clean technology and non clean technology, but it is not significant. The lag item on oil prices is not clean technology progress. There is a significant negative impact on the progress of clean technology. Therefore, the government can adjust the technological progress of the automobile industry by raising the price of oil through tax, in order to promote the progress of clean technology and reduce the emission of greenhouse gas.
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