本文选题:非首都功能疏解 + 居住用地 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:It is the key link to solve the "urban disease" of Beijing and the strategic core to promote the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the spatial distribution of residential land in Beijing from the perspective of non-capital function. On the basis of summing up the connotation and significance of non-capital function, the theory of urban residential function and its layout, and the theory of location choice of urban residential land, this paper uses GIS as the data analysis platform. This paper studies and analyzes the spatial distribution of residential land in Beijing and its influencing factors, analyzes the spatial distribution of residential land in Beijing from the qualitative and quantitative perspectives, and puts forward some policy suggestions for the control of residential land layout in Beijing: firstly, Through the analysis of the research results of residential function, residential land layout and spatial distribution of foreign scholars, it is found that most of them are from the two dimensions of industrial transfer and population deconstruction as the starting point. Based on the comparison of academic research results at home and abroad, it is pointed out that domestic scholars are lagging behind in this respect, and because of the particularity of Beijing, the domestic academic circles are still in the stage of exploration. The lack of corresponding metrological model provides an opportunity for the research of this paper. At the same time, this paper briefly describes the related concepts of non-capital functional deconstruction, residential function dredging, residential land layout research theory as the theoretical basis of this paper. Secondly, focus on the status quo of residential land layout in Beijing. In the course of the analysis, on the one hand, it judges the nature of the spatial distribution of residential land in Beijing, on the other hand, with the help of GIS, it studies the present situation of residential land distribution in Beijing. From this point of view, the spatial distribution structure model of residential land in Beijing is constructed and analyzed. It is found that the spatial distribution of residential land in Beijing is not uniform, and the density of urban core area is significantly higher than that of the surrounding area. (2) the distribution of residential land in Beijing is unreasonable, which leads to an obvious gap in the intensity of urban land development. (3) the layout of residential land in Beijing is affected to some extent by public resource supporting facilities, humanistic concept, traffic network and other factors, which aggravate the irrationality of the spatial layout of residential land. Thirdly, from the aspects of natural environment, social economy, urban development planning, traffic network system construction, humanistic concept, the layout of ministries and departments, and summed up the related factors affecting the spatial layout of residential land in Beijing. At the same time, in accordance with the objectives of sustainable and healthy urban development, This paper puts forward some suggestions for optimizing the control and control of residential land in Beijing. (1) the residential land control measures in Beijing should be combined with the existing layout of the city to carry out decentralized and centralized development) and perfect the road traffic network system and infrastructure construction in Beijing. Urban planning needs the guidance and promotion of policy measures to strengthen its role.
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