本文选题:福建山区 + 农村居民 ; 参考:《福建农林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The annual China Leisure Development report 2015-2016 points out that the proportion of outdoor leisure for rural residents has increased correspondingly during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, but the proportion of long-distance leisure has not increased, and more leisure is confined to the vicinity of residence. Leisure sports is the main form of close distance leisure. It can not only improve the physical fitness and the mood, but also improve the single and gambling leisure mode based on chess and card. Leisure sports activities need to be based on the supply of leisure sports facilities. Due to the small number of rural residents in mountainous areas, the limited financial resources of the government, and the limitation of the scope of benefits of public leisure and sports facilities, the government is unable to supply the whole directly and fully. After the reform of tax and fee, the economic function of the village collective is weakened and it is difficult to bear the supply. In order to improve its supply efficiency, the rural residents of mountainous area play an important role in it. Based on the investigation data of some villages in Sanming, Longyan and Nanping areas in Fujian Province, this paper studies the willingness of rural residents to participate in the construction of public leisure and sports facilities in the mountainous areas of Fujian Province from the point of view of rural residents. It has important theoretical and practical significance. First of all, this article explains the public product attribute of public leisure sports facilities, and analyzes the possibility of rural residents participating in the construction of public leisure sports facilities according to the theory of participation governance; According to the theory of planning behavior, the factors influencing rural residents' willingness to participate in financing are divided into three dimensions: participation attitude, subjective norm and subjective sense of control, and then the fourth dimension is further explained and integrated into the individual characteristics of rural residents. Then the theoretical model of rural residents' willingness to participate in financing is constructed, and the 15 influencing factors which belong to four dimensions are hypothesized on the basis of previous studies. Secondly, based on the survey data of three cities, this paper makes a descriptive statistical analysis on the supply, demand and financing willingness of rural public leisure and sports facilities. It is found that all the public leisure and sports facilities in rural areas can not meet the needs of rural residents, mainly because of the original number, lack of types and lack of maintenance of damaged facilities, and so on. In addition, at present, rural residents in mountainous areas do not directly participate in the financing of rural public leisure and sports facilities, and nearly half of the rural residents do not want to participate in financing directly. Then, logistic regression analysis shows that there are 9 variables that have significant influence on the willingness to participate in financing: the cognition of the necessity of building public leisure and sports facilities. The degree of trust in the participation of other rural residents in fund-raising, whether rural residents have channels to express their opinions or suggestions, the extent to which participation in raising funds has an impact on normal consumption expenditure, and the fact that non-financing is an identification of disgraceful behavior, Whether the non-financing will be complained by others, the rural residents' education level, the leisure sports activity beneficial situation cognition, the village financial affairs is open, the trust degree to the village cadre, and carries on the explanation to the regression result. Finally, the conclusion of this paper is summarized, according to the factors that significantly affect the willingness of rural residents to participate in the construction of public leisure and sports facilities, from the needs of rural residents, rural residents' right to speak, the level of social trust of rural residents. This paper puts forward three countermeasures and suggestions in order to improve the willingness of rural residents to participate in the construction of public leisure and sports facilities in the five aspects of systematic openness of village affairs and supervision mechanism of village affairs.
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