本文选题:农民土地价值观 + 土地利用行为 ; 参考:《甘肃农业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Land is the space carrier for various economic activities, and its utilization and management are closely related to the national economic and social development. As China enters the new normal of economic development, the economic growth rate shifts, the economic structure is optimized, and the power transformation demands to adjust the supply and demand of land and resources. From the microcosmic scale of land use, land resource management department, as the main body of decision-making, needs to make appropriate adjustment and innovation to the land use and management policy. How to link up with the stable land use situation formed for a long time in typical areas, the values of the main body of land management and the regional cultural environment, is an important way to realize the optimal allocation of farmland resources. To provide the basis for the study of land use management strategy under the new normal economic background. As a large agricultural country and a large population, China's food security has always been a matter of national economy and people's livelihood. Since the reform and opening up, with the continuous reform of the relationship between agricultural land, farmers' land values have changed, the social and economic structure of rural areas has undergone a huge change, manifested in a large number of transfer of labor force, and the phenomenon of farmers' concurrent employment is widespread. As a result, land resources are not fully utilized, and the adjustment of agricultural planting structure needs to be improved. Therefore, the adjustment of agricultural planting structure is of great significance to the realization of food security. On the other hand, the adjustment of agricultural planting structure is particularly important under the realistic condition of non-agricultural conversion of cultivated land. However, the adjustment of agricultural planting structure is directly related to the land use behavior of farmers, and farmers are highly concerned both as decision makers and as decision makers of their own behavior. In order to better understand the behavior motivation and behavior characteristics of farmers, this paper, from the perspective of behavioral economics, takes the values of farmers' land as the starting point and the social environment of farmers as the background. In chapter 2, based on the large sample of empirical survey data and its reliability, validity test (chapter 3), the author studies the heterogeneity of farmers' land values (chapter 4). By combining qualitative and quantitative studies, the characteristics of farmers' land use behaviors and their development and changes are studied. This paper uses econometric model to analyze the influence of farmers' land values on farmers' land use behavior (Chapter 5), validates the proposed theoretical framework, and clarifies the characteristics of farmers' behavior and its evolution law. Through the research of this paper, we draw the following main conclusion: 1) the conceptual model of farmers' land values is reasonable, which is suitable for the research data. The scale has good reliability and validity, and the four dimensions of farmers' land values are as follows: affective value: F1, safeguard value: F2, wealth value: F3, right value: F4. 2) Farmers' land values have significant group-regional differences. Under the condition of different individual characteristics and agricultural land management characteristics, the farmers' land values are different in groups, and the regional differentiation characteristics are formed in the regional space. (3) in the large scale spatial regions, the farmers' land values show spatial heterogeneity. There are obvious differences between the overall pattern and the internal relationship among the dimensions. The spatial agglomeration of farmers' land values is not obvious, the effect of regional radiation driving is not strong, and the spatial difference is significant. 4) Farmers' land use behavior is influenced by heuristic cognitive deviation, which accords with the general law of behavioral economics. Reference point selection, income loss judgment will affect the development and change of farmers' behavior patterns. 5) Farmers' land values have a significant impact on farmers' land use behavior. There are differences in farmers' land use behaviors under different dimensions of farmers' land values, and farmers' land use behaviors have behavioral economics characteristics.
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