本文选题:甘肃省 + 贫困地区 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Poverty has always been a problem that people pay close attention to, and it is also an urgent problem to be solved in the process of social development. In the era of knowledge economy, what does poverty alleviation and development depend on? What do the poor people rely on to get rid of poverty and become rich? It is our main discussion. The research and practice of human capital theory tell us that the development and management of human resources in poor areas is the fundamental way to get rid of poverty in poor areas. Therefore, under the guidance of human resource theory, human capital theory, population migration theory, economic growth theory and structuralism theory, this paper takes 75 poor districts and counties in Gansu Province as the research object, uses the literature analysis method, the statistical description method, On the basis of constructing the evaluation system of human resource development level in Gansu poverty area, the discrete coefficient method and econometric analysis method are used to evaluate and analyze the human resource development level of 75 poor counties in Gansu province, and their respective long and short plates are pointed out. Finally, using econometric analysis, this paper empirically studies the relationship between the level of human resource development and the degree of poverty in the poverty-stricken areas of Gansu Province, and puts forward some suggestions for the development of human resources and poverty alleviation in the poverty-stricken areas of Gansu Province. The structure and main contents of this paper are as follows: chapter one, introduction. This paper mainly introduces the research background and related concepts of human resource development and poverty. This paper briefly reviews the present situation of human resources and poverty theory at home and abroad, and puts forward the research system and methods of poverty reduction effect of human resources development in Gansu province. The second chapter, human resources development poverty alleviation mechanism analysis. The results show that the quantity of human resource development, education level, health level, allocation level and spillover effect are negatively related to poverty. The third chapter, Gansu province poverty area present situation and the human resources development present situation. The results show that in recent years, the number of poor people in Gansu Province has been decreasing and the incidence of poverty has been declining; the poor areas of Gansu Province are rich in human resources and have a large space for development; the education level of human resources in poor areas of Gansu Province is relatively low. The proportion of illiterate population is large, the level of human resource health is poor, the consciousness of health care is low, and the allocation of human resource is unreasonable in the poor area of Gansu province. The fourth chapter, Gansu Province impoverished area human resources development level appraisal. In this part, the evaluation index system of human resource development level in Gansu poverty area is constructed, and on this basis, the human resource development level of 75 poor counties is evaluated. The fifth chapter analyzes the poverty reduction effect of human resource development in poor areas of Gansu Province. This paper analyzes the poverty reduction effect of human resources and the poverty reduction effect of various dimensions of human resources in Gansu province by constructing econometric model. Chapter VI, conclusions and recommendations. This chapter firstly summarizes the main contents and conclusions of the first five chapters, and then puts forward the suggestions of human resource development and poverty reduction on the basis of the research conclusions.
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