本文选题:传统谈判 + 快速拍卖谈判模式 ; 参考:《对外经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to study the process and application of rapid auction negotiation model in auto parts purchasing through mathematical model and case study. With the beginning of the new normal of China's economy, China's economic growth is officially slowing, all walks of life are facing a more severe test, the auto industry is no exception. In the new environment, as well as the increasing saturation of vehicle ownership, it is particularly important to optimize and reduce the cost of parts procurement, maintain a steady growth of profits and achieve the maximum profit of the auto industry. According to the statistical data and financial analysis, 70% -80% of the product cost of automobile industry is caused by purchasing. Every time the purchase cost is reduced, the profit will be increased by 5% -10% (study on the operation mode of joint purchasing of automobile parts and components, author Zhuang Linfeng, Zhang Guangming. Therefore, the author believes that part cost negotiation is very important. The research content of this paper is to introduce the rapid auction negotiation mode in auto parts purchasing for the first time. Through the establishment of mathematical model, this paper analyzes the importance and necessity of supplier ordering in fast auction negotiation, and highlights the advantages of fast auction. At the same time, through the case analysis and the traditional bilateral negotiation model to deepen the interpretation of the rapid auction negotiation model. The fast auction model ensures fairness and fairness, and at the same time, it can help the buyer to obtain the most competitive quotation and contribute to the cost reduction and efficiency increase of the enterprise. This paper mainly uses analytical comparison method, personal experience method, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method and SWOT analysis method. The research result of this paper is to help domestic automobile enterprises to understand the model of rapid auction negotiation, to make a detailed analysis of its advantages and disadvantages, and to provide an important reference for the selection of the negotiation mode of parts procurement for domestic automobile enterprises. This paper introduces the application of the rapid auction model through the demonstration of the actual case of the domestic luxury automobile brand joint venture negotiation.
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