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发布时间:2018-06-23 19:04

  本文选题:呼和浩特市 + 大黑河流域 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济社会的不断发展,工业化、城市化不断推进,随之而来的水环境污染问题不断凸显,成为经济发展的制约因素,急需开展水污染治理工作。大黑河是内蒙古中西部汇入黄河北岸最大的一条支流,在托县河口镇汇入黄河。大黑河几乎承载了呼市城区全部污水,随着“引黄入呼”二期工程运行,呼市每天取黄河水达40万吨,占城区用水量60%以上,“引黄入呼”取水口在大黑河入黄河口下游不足10公里处,大黑河水质状况直接影响呼市城区饮用水安全。为了更准确地了解呼和浩特市境内大黑河流域水质现状,本论文对大黑河流域的水质进行了检测分析,共布设15个监测断面采样,按照《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)中23项基本分析项目和电导率、全盐量共25项进行检测分析,根据监测结果对各断面及流域水质现状进行分析评价。大黑河全流域为劣V类水质,但污染程度不同,入境断面为轻度污染,入黄河断面为中度污染、其余断面为重度污染或严重污染,主要污染物为总氮、氨氮、CODCr、 BOD5、总磷、溶解氧。同时对近年来该流域的CODCr、BOD5、总磷、总氮、氨氮例行监测数据进行纵向统计分析,得到了大黑河流域污染指标年度变化趋势,通过单项污染指数法、综合污染指数法及相应的污染指标贡献度对监测数据进行评价,得到了流域各断面主要污染因子。通过呼和浩特市河流水文资料和沿河污染源调查,进一步明确了呼和浩特市大黑河流域水质现状为劣V类水质,其中入境民生渠监测断面为轻度污染,主要污染物为总氮;大入黄监测断面为中度污染主要污染物为总氮;其余监测断面为重度污染,主要污染物为总氮、氨氮、CODCr、BOD5、总磷。呼市城区无大规模畜禽养殖和农业种植,所以城镇生活源是造成水质恶化的首要原因,其次为工业源。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy and society, industrialization and urbanization, the problem of water environment pollution is becoming more and more prominent, which becomes the restricting factor of economic development. It is urgent to carry out water pollution control work. The Dahei River is the largest tributary in the central and western Inner Mongolia into the north bank of the Yellow River and flows into the Yellow River in Hekou Town, Tok County. The Dahei River carries almost all the sewage in the urban area of Huhu City. With the operation of the second phase of the "Yellow River diversion into Huhu" project, the Yellow River water intake in the city reaches 400000 tons a day, accounting for more than 60% of the urban water consumption. The intake of water from the Yellow River into the Yellow River is less than 10 kilometers in the lower reaches of the Yellow River Estuary. The water quality of the Dahei River has a direct impact on the drinking water safety in the urban area of Huhou. In order to understand the present situation of water quality of Dahei River Basin in Hohhot City, the water quality of Dahei River Basin is tested and analyzed in this paper, and 15 monitoring sections are sampled. According to 23 basic analysis items and electrical conductivity of surface water environmental quality standard (GB3838-2002), 25 items of total salt quantity were tested and analyzed. According to the monitoring results, the present situation of water quality of each section and river basin was analyzed and evaluated. The whole basin of Dahei River is of bad V water quality, but the pollution degree is different. The entry section is slightly polluted, the Yellow River section is moderately polluted, the other sections are serious pollution or serious pollution, the main pollutants are total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, CODCr, BOD5, total phosphorus and dissolved oxygen. At the same time, through the longitudinal statistical analysis of the routine monitoring data of CODCrN BOD5, total phosphorus, total nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen in the basin in recent years, the annual change trend of pollution index in Dahei River Basin is obtained, and the single pollution index method is adopted. The monitoring data were evaluated by the method of pollution index and the corresponding contribution degree of pollution index, and the main pollution factors of each section of the basin were obtained. Based on the hydrological data of the rivers in Hohhot and the investigation of the pollution sources along the rivers, it is further confirmed that the present situation of the water quality in the Dahei River Basin of Hohhot City is inferior V water quality, in which the monitoring section of the incoming Minsheng Canal is slightly polluted, and the main pollutant is the total nitrogen. Total nitrogen was the main pollutant in the monitoring section of the Yellow River, and the main pollutants were total nitrogen, CODCrBOD5 and total phosphorus in the other monitoring sections. There is no large-scale livestock and poultry farming and agricultural cultivation in the urban area of Huzhou, so the urban life source is the primary cause of the deterioration of water quality, followed by the industrial source.


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