本文选题:新常态 + 企业档案 ; 参考:《湖北大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As early as the beginning of the financial crisis, Western scholars began to use the term "new normal" to describe the financial and economic characteristics after the crisis. It is used to describe the new stage of economic development of our country, which is "the economic growth rate is decreasing and the economic structure is improving", and has been agreed in the field of economics and policy. As an important economy, enterprises must also be influenced by the "new normal", and all aspects of their work must be adjusted adaptively around the economic development under the "new normal". As an important part of enterprise management, the enterprise archives work conforms to the "new normal" and the reform and adjustment is the meaning of the subject. Based on the comprehensive use of literature analysis, statistical method and field investigation, this paper analyzes and studies the connotation, concrete performance and countermeasures of the "new normal" of enterprise archives management. The full text is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the background and significance of the topic, domestic and foreign research status, as well as the research methods and innovations of this paper; The second part is the analysis of the concept and connotation of "new normal" and enterprise archives management, focusing on the presentation of "new normal", the core idea and the connotation of "new normal" of enterprise archives management. The third part analyzes enterprises from two aspects: the influence of "new normal" economy on the enterprise archives management itself and the new situation in the field of enterprise archives management under the influence of the inner core idea or thinking of the new normal economy. The concrete performance of the "new normal" of the industry archives management; The fourth part gives reasonable suggestions on how to adapt to the "new normal" of economy and how to lead the enterprise archives management with the inner core idea or thinking of "new normal" of economy from three aspects of macroscopic, meso and micro level. The fifth part is the summary and prospect of the full text. At the same time, the deficiency of the research and the future research ideas are explained.
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