[Abstract]:North China is the main distribution area of desertification land. The distribution of desertification land and its driving forces in this area are of great significance to the prevention and control of desertification. Desertification is a kind of land degradation phenomenon. The sustainable desertification will lead to many environmental and economic problems, such as poor land, decline in productivity, and the reduction of biodiversity. The distribution of desertification land in the north of China is estimated effectively. This study mainly uses the first and second bands of the reflectance products of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data to calculate the desertification index (Normalized Differ) sensitive to desertification land response (Normalized Differ). Ence Desertification Index, NDDI), combined with high score 1 data (GF-1) to obtain the MODIS-NDDI time sequence diagram of desertification land, calculate the average absolute distance between the MODIS-NDDI time sequence diagram of the study area and the MODIS-NDDI time sequence diagram of the desertification land, and obtain the possible distribution of the desert land in 2015, and the possible distribution range. The thresholds were set to obtain the distribution of desertification land in 2001~2015 years, and the driving force factors were analyzed using the cross convergent mapping (Convergent Cross Mapping, CCM) algorithm. The main achievements of this paper are as follows: (1) the dynamic monitoring of desertification land in northern China is realized by using multi-source remote sensing data. MODIS09A1 is used as the remote sensing data source to screen out the sand. Desertification index NDDI is calculated on the sensitive band of desertification land (first band and second band of MODIS09 A1 reflectance data). The distribution of desertification land in northern China is obtained by using MODIS-NDDI time series data and high score 1 (GF-1) data. The overall precision reaches 88.38%. (2) using multi source remote sensing data to realize the north of China. Dynamic monitoring of sparse vegetation coverage. The normalized vegetation index (Normalized Difference Desertification Index, NDVI) obtained from the MOD09A1 data and the MOD15A2 data in this study, the photosynthetic effective radiation absorption ratio (Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation, and the leaf area index) data, Dynamic monitoring of vegetation coverage in northern China during 2001~2015. When 1LAI3, we use a non dense model. In other cases, we use a dense model. Compare TM estimation results and MODIS estimation results. The results show that the two are highly correlated, R2=0.85, RMSE=0.50. (3) analysis of desertification land dynamics in northern China for nearly 15 years The change slope of desertification land in the last 15 years shows that the areas of desertification land increase include 70 counties, but the slope of the change is relatively small, which indicates that the desertification land has increased slightly, the desertification land is not changed or reduced in 250 counties, and the desertification degree of most areas is weakening. In the past 15 years, the center of desertification land has a tendency toward high latitude and low longitude direction. During the period of 15 years, the barycenter of desertification land moved northward to 0.06 N, and the desertification land moved westward 2.2 E. mainly in the range of the longitude gradient of 90~100 E and the latitude gradient of 30~40 N, and the desertification land in the north of China was mainly distributed. At the altitude of less than 2000m, the desert climate zone and the grassland climate area. From the last 15 years or even 10 years, the desertification situation in China has been improved, but the desertification degree of the local areas has intensified in the last 5 years, which is concretely represented in the large rivers and lakes. Although the state has strengthened the ecological construction in recent years, the overall situation has been greatly improved. The ecological environment has improved, but there is still a need to pay attention to the environmental changes in local areas. (4) the driving forces of desertification land in northern China for the last 15 years are analyzed. Using the desertification land distribution and related rainfall, temperature and population data obtained in the last 15 years, the driving force factors of desertification land in northern China are calculated by CCM method. The results show that desertification land and population interact with each other (P0.05). Similarly, using the CCM algorithm, it can be found that the desertification is affected by the temperature obviously, but the influence of rainfall is not obvious. In addition, the desertification land and the wind speed influence each other obviously (P0.01). (5) from the large scale, the desertification is greatly influenced by the natural factors and human activities. It will lead to a small area of desertification expansion or reversal. If the desertification land area is expanding, it will lead to a large number of population migration and social instability. Northern China is a huge source of sand dust storm, especially for the prevention and control of desertification in this area. We should pay more attention to the potential desertification area of desertification, and should be more appropriate for policy. It is a tendency to prevent desertification. At the same time, we should also pay attention to climate change at the same time. From the results, if some climate factors change, it is bound to lead to severe changes in desertification land, and the same desertification land will have a far-reaching impact on climate change.
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