[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid growth of our country's economy, the public libraries in our country have achieved good development, and the government has increased its investment in cultural construction, among which the financial allocation to the public libraries has also shown a trend of gradual growth. However, due to the difference of the regional economic level and the decision-making ideas of the regional governments, the amount of the financial allocation and the support for the public libraries are different. Based on the statistical analysis of the relevant data of the public library financial allocation in China, this paper compares the differences of the amount and support of the library funds between the governments of different regions, provinces and cities, and puts forward the existing problems and suggestions for improvement. This article draws lessons from the existing research results, carries on the analysis to the each region finance allocation data of our country, preliminarily obtains our country to the public library finance allotment regional difference present situation: the central and western region overall backwardness and the eastern region, However, due to the improvement of regional economic level and the enhancement of the government's attention to public libraries, the differences between regions are gradually reduced. Through the questionnaire survey of more than 20 public library directors, the author further recognizes the problems existing in the financial allocation of public libraries in our country at the present stage: first of all, the problem of funds, and the difference of economic level among different regions is the main reason for determining the expenditure. The funding problem of many district public libraries depends on the will of the local leaders to a great extent, which leads to the difference of the regional financial allocation. Secondly, there is the system problem, which leads to the main reason of the expenditure problem: there are no clear rules and regulations for the public library financial allocation system, even if there are many places where the enforcement is far from enough. The last problem is the serious lag of public library legislation. Although local regulations have been issued on the protection of basic public cultural services, the provisions on the financial allocation of public libraries are also limited to the requirements of principles, objectives, and activities. The specific requirements for public library financial allocations are not clear to the government. In this paper, we find that the quantitative research on the regional difference of public library financial allocation in our country is more intuitionistic to study the causes of the difference between the regions of public library financial allocation. Through the collation and calculation of relevant data, the difference of public library financial allocation in our country is mainly reflected in the regional difference, and the contribution of the difference within the region is not obvious. This is mainly due to the importance of public libraries and the decision of economic level among different regions in China.
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